squish ?????

No it is a mono head design. And the cylinders are a pretty good lake race ported. The ports are raised quite a bit. The exhayst port is around 29.8mm. Would .25mm really make that big of a difference on the port timing? Anyway. I found my old stock viper gasket, so that will just go back in with the bender gasket. By the way, does anyone know where I can O-rings for the cylinders? I wonder if AutoZone would have rings that bid?
ya you can stack viper ones, I was just thinking that 1 maxx perf thicker one of the proper height is cheaper than 2 stock ones. if you're reusing your old one you only need one more tho.

as far as the O-rings, I thought you where using a stock viper head?

Mr.Viper is right, you're better off to add thickness to the head, not the base, that didn't click, I was thinking in SRX mode, not viper mode.
Just in case anybody is interested. My buddy is making chamber inserts for the peak head. I measured the squish angle on the chamber and found it to be about 8 degrees from the head mounting plane. We are starting out by changing it to 14 degrees. If any of your gurus what to chime in, please. The first chamber design is about 21 to 21.5 cc. We are going to make a smaller chamber too. I was also thinking about having him make some chambers to go in the mega power head, or even changable chambers for the stock head.
For those who have been following along. I now have my new chambers made up for my Peak Mountain Performance heads. They are just shy of 22cc with a 14 degree squish angle instead of the peak designed 7 degrees. I have now measured my squish with a full opti-cool head gasket and it is coming in at .053" at the inner diameter of the squish band and about .078" at the outer diameter. My compression is way low with these heads, but the motor is still running pretty decent. Cranking compression is around 100 psi and hopefully I will get it up around 125 to 130 psi with the new inserts. Also, the squish is going to get changed to 17 degrees. I'm thinking about pulling one or two shims out of the head gasket to get the piston to head clearance down to around .035 or .040. I'm thinking this should be enough to prevent the detonation I was getting with the old design, or could I go less? I could just use the o-ring grooves and no head gasket at all. Anybody have any comments to add to this?
