Summerization ?

Alot of good info for putting the sled away until the snow flies again.Last year I fired up sled every two to three weeks and let it run for about fifteen minutes each time. Took my carbs of before riding this season and they where spotless.Also used Sta-bil and octane boost to try to keep the gas somewhat fresh.Not sure what it does for the bottom end tho.Fog or not to fog hmmmm.Now you got me thinking about it.
As far as armorall goes I personally would not use it.It turns brown and chaulks up the plastic and rubber at least it did back in the old days when I had show cars and no I use a product called 303 Protectant.Seems to work well.A light oil sprayed on a clean engine will keep it looking new year after year also and I also let my suspension hang for the summer.
starting it up every week in summer definately has its issues as well. The reason is because everytime the engine is started but not allowed to get up to full running temperature, condensation from combustion is left in the engine and does not escape because the engine didn't get hot enough to evaporate it all and expel it with the exhaust. You may think that running it for ten or fifteen minutes would bring it up to full temperature, but most of the time it will not because the cooling system is large enough to keep the temp down when there is no load on the engine. This isn't the WORST thing in the world, but fogging it and leaving it alone is definately better for it.
I agree completely. kinda like how it is said that if you are taking your car somewhere that it ought to be at least 3-5 miles so all the condensation gets dried up. what I was always told at least.
o, and I never use armor all, I have MUCH better luck with either meguiars (spell that right???) and mothers. using mothers at the moment with GREAT results :)
Simple fact ;)!

Drain the gas. Add Stabil to what is left.
Run the engine to full temp
Spray fogging oil into the carbs till it dies
Drain the bowels
Remove the plugs, allow the cylinders to cool.
Spray directly into the holes, pulling over the engine.
Reseal the holes with the old plugs
Grease everything ( Watch the water come out of the suspension)
Mother all aluminum areas
Armor-All the seat.
undo your hood latches
Stick steel wool in the pipe.

Store till fall.
for efi i would actually drain the regular gas and put in a couple gallons of leaded race gas. Race gas doesn't lose its quality anything like the other gasoline's do, and throw a little sta-bil in it and you know it will be good to go. I wouldn't want to run the EFI out unless you know how easy/hard it is to prime.
I have always used Sta-bil with great luck......I am sure that pulling plugs and fogging is great and all, but what if you have to move the sled for some reason? I don't know..It's a is bulletproof!!!
I'm sure its just fine being a respected name brand.I have used different brands over the years and think any brand is just fine.
Any fogging oil is good the main thing is to use it,it's easy to do so why

i keep fuel in the tank and in the carbs,,i use double dose and premium
fresh gas....
