How to install a Pro Action retrofit into older sleds


Life Member
Sep 24, 2004
Wonewoc, Wisconsin
I found this on the V-Max 4 website and has helped me tremendously, so I thought I would share it here. This is a swap of an 03' RX-1 skid into a 96' V-Max 4, but should help in any old V-Max chassis (proaction or not). Please make note that the newer proactions are narrower, so spacers must be made up. Hope this helps someone.
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You may have to expand the pics to see the writing a little better, as I had to shrink them to get them on here. You can read up on how to do something, but it helps so much to be able to see a picture of it done with the measurements right on there.
revised pics

For some reason my pics disappeared, so here they are again.


  • RX1 skid, 2 of 3.jpg
    RX1 skid, 2 of 3.jpg
    64.2 KB · Views: 336
  • RX1 skid, 1 of 3.jpg
    RX1 skid, 1 of 3.jpg
    64.7 KB · Views: 274
  • RX1, 3of 3.jpg
    RX1, 3of 3.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 262
Make very sure you get your holes exact. I missed by 20mm on the rear hole, and it binds the suspension up bad. Maxdlx
20mm???? what was you usin fer a tape???

good post im gonna need it as we are puttin a viper rear into an et410. its all about the powder :WayCool:
It all had to do with the taper of the tunnel. If you use drop brakets it can happen. Maxdlx
Wow, I see my work beat me to this site. I just signed up on TY but have been on the Ultimate Vmax 4 site for a long time. On rear suspension swaps, one of the areas that is often overlooked is the tunnel reinforcement. I have seen tunnels crack due to the different locations of stress loads of the replacement skid.
EJCamaro, we'll obviously meet again. So, you getting one of the big Max units or just interested in them?
Those '97s are not easy to come by - probably because there was not that many made. I have/had one with 1060 miles on it. A fellow in Alaska plans to buy it from me. I also have a '96.
ole_boxer said:
What is the best skid to use for the easiest install

Can't help you there - maybe whatever you can get the best deal on. If you're looking for softer going on the bumps, I see quite a few guys liking the SCs and Polaris long travels. Can be a lot of effort and expense to retrofit older sleds.
I hope this is the right spot for this post. If not I apologize. Here goes. I have a 95 vmax 600 all stock and have a skid out of a 96 vmax 600xt. The pics above are great, but the skid being used looks a little different then what I have. I guess what I need to know is. Will these measurements work? If not would anyone have the correct measurements. Thank you in advance.
