Last Ride of the year & Apex RTX

so tom, what did you think of that ride overall? Want to get my hands on one as soon as i can so i can see if they really are that much better than the '05s. You have an 05 so you should be a real good judge.
I think they are awesome and by the sounds of it, everyone that has driven them are extremely happy....they are one great sled package.
so when you get your new one are you keeping all of the past ones like the 05 and 01?
only 5 grand on that sxr? Wow tom you really need to get out on the trails alittle more, lol. I bought that '01 from Doug last year (january 15th) with just over 700 miles on it, now it has 5,600.
Hey Mr Sled,

That Apex is sweet looking. Amazing how much different it looks than that RX-1 sitting next to it? How is it to ride? I rode the Rx-1 several times and didn't like it, I am assuming the Apex is a new animal.

hookedonblue said:
nice pics tom, still going strong here in newfoundland. still 6 or 7 feet of snow left yet, i guess we will be snowmobiling til late may again this year.

Wow our season is over already i wnt to buy a house up near you ;)! ;)! Thats so cool that you guys are still riding. ;)!
