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Where we ride there is a speed limit of 60 or so but as long as you have it well under control they don't care even if you go by them doing 60 if you go by them at all i have only seen about 3 or 4 cops on sleds in my 13 year riding carrear 

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SpiderViper said:Where we ride there is a speed limit of 60 or so but as long as you have it well under control they don't care even if you go by them doing 60 if you go by them at all i have only seen about 3 or 4 cops on sleds in my 13 year riding carrear![]()
I live in a tiny town of <2000 and we have the DEC,Sheriff and State boys crawling all over us on sled. Injuries are few and far between around here and I don't understand why so much patrol, The State boys haul in from Syracuse (75 miles away) and ride brand new RX-1's.

New member
NH has a 45mph limit but I usually go 50+ on the wide open trails/rail beds. You just have to know where to speed and were not to. The use low tech guns too so just a noraml radar dector picks them right up. They will only pull you over if your doing over 50mph. Even then its more likely they will let you go till you hit 55 or more. What most people don't know is NH has a lot of small woods trails. Hitting more than 45 to 50 on these trials is nearly impossible. I have been riding the area for over 12+ years and still don't push it past 50 in these trials. Just to unsafe on weekends.
Lakes have no speed limit in NH too.
Lakes have no speed limit in NH too.
I believe Ontario posts a 50 kmph (30mph) limit for liability reasons. They also have very limited trail sign usage for that same reason. Once you've been sued for deaths on the trail system something has to change (there laws are different than ours). I see it like this "ride at your on risk" and so do they now! I have logged thousands of miles in Ontario and have never seen any police, dnr, mounties whatever they are on the trails. Heck we rode 450 miles one day in 10 hours (thats an average of 45 MPH).
New member
Speed does not kill.
You can not legislate safety any more than you can legislate the carelessness or idiocy out of a careless idiot.
You can not legislate safety any more than you can legislate the carelessness or idiocy out of a careless idiot.
New member
No one drives 50km/h (30mph) around here. I work with the cops a fair bit over the years and never once have they brought out the radar gun. We mainly check for ownership/insurance and in recent years the trail passes.
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interceptor where did find that pic of a blue rtx?sorry to interupt
There were at last count 35 deaths in Wisconsin this year. Probably more than half of them alcohol related, but the liquor lobby is so strong that they will do anything to prevent harsher penalties for DUI on a sled. So, I predict that instead of the drunks being punished, we will all be punished by some more goofy legislation. Another speed limit thing would not surprise me at all. I just know that people are going to freak out over the death numbers, and we're all going to suffer.
Last time I was icefishing on Schroon Lake two DEC officers with brand new RX1's stopped to check my license. When I got back to the parking lot there were two new Yukons and two new covered trailers. You can see where the extra reggy money went. It really starts to piss ya off.06vectorgt said:I live in a tiny town of <2000 and we have the DEC,Sheriff and State boys crawling all over us on sled. Injuries are few and far between around here and I don't understand why so much patrol, The State boys haul in from Syracuse (75 miles away) and ride brand new RX-1's.![]()

Actually, it's up to 36 now with the last one passing on 3/24.Blkhwkbob said:There were at last count 35 deaths in Wisconsin this year. Probably more than half of them alcohol related, but the liquor lobby is so strong that they will do anything to prevent harsher penalties for DUI on a sled. So, I predict that instead of the drunks being punished, we will all be punished by some more goofy legislation. Another speed limit thing would not surprise me at all. I just know that people are going to freak out over the death numbers, and we're all going to suffer.
Read all the morbid details right here: http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/es/enforcement/safety/snowstats.htm

New member
Wow, I checked out the WI dnr link and was amazed at just how many involved alcohol. I guessed it would be as Blkhwkbob had said - more than half; but it was honestly shocking to see the overwhelming number involving alcohol.
As far as speed, a 55mph speed limit would not have saved that many (one was doing between 15 - 20 mph), but if riders would stop drinking and driving perhaps a majority of them would have made it. I'm sure everyone of them thought they could handle their liquor and it wouldn't happen to them.
The worst was the 5 yr old that was riding in front of the driver who was thrown off (@ 15 - 20 mph) and killed; no alcohol in this one - but no helmet!?!?!... I have 6, 4 and 2 year olds. I can't imagine losing one...
Wear your helmets, fasten your chin straps, keep your eyes peeled and look for escape routes should you meet someone coming at you on your side of the trail.
As far as speed, a 55mph speed limit would not have saved that many (one was doing between 15 - 20 mph), but if riders would stop drinking and driving perhaps a majority of them would have made it. I'm sure everyone of them thought they could handle their liquor and it wouldn't happen to them.
The worst was the 5 yr old that was riding in front of the driver who was thrown off (@ 15 - 20 mph) and killed; no alcohol in this one - but no helmet!?!?!... I have 6, 4 and 2 year olds. I can't imagine losing one...
Wear your helmets, fasten your chin straps, keep your eyes peeled and look for escape routes should you meet someone coming at you on your side of the trail.
New member
thats sad but it show that drinking and driving dont go good togeather. looks more like 85% bac related,i changed the group i ride with for this reason.i want to ride not sit in the bars all day,and i dont want to watch a friend die right in front of me. lets all save the drinking till after we park our sleds for the day,then get as $hitfaced as you want but not too bad that you cant ride the next day.
New member
IGO4SNO said:thats sad but it show that drinking and driving dont go good togeather. looks more like 85% bac related,i changed the group i ride with for this reason.i want to ride not sit in the bars all day,and i dont want to watch a friend die right in front of me. lets all save the drinking till after we park our sleds for the day,then get as $hitfaced as you want but not too bad that you cant ride the next day.

New member
Ditto Dude!BroncoDave said:What he said

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I had just ordered last years report from NY state, I won't have it in time for the forum though (the vote is this weekend). Should have ordered last week, If anyone is interested in seeing it I will scan and post.
Not only are the amount of alcohol related deaths staggering, but how about some of the blood alcohol content numbers? Some of these people must be obliterated drunk! All I know is it's a lousy way to go.
New member
We ride in NY alot and anyone who is farmiliar with that area we were at the Big T feeding the deer and we had come off the large straight away near there it is probably about 5 miles long with three turns not very hard at all. Anyway we came up there doing about the speed limit and we were just checking it out first. When we came through we saw two cops with radar he only time i have ever seen radar on the trail. So it was a good thing that we weren't speeding. But where ever you go there will be hot rods thinking they are cool and we saw two come thruogh going about thirty and they just pinned it going down the straight away. Everyone there knew about the cops because we told them so when they took off we all looked down the trail and laughed we saw the cops put down the radar gun and just walk out in the middle of the trail and out their hands up. 

New member
When I bought my sleds in 01 the dealer friend of mine said that all nearly all the deaths that year where after sunset and that most of them where alchohol related. Speed was not a common denominator. If it wasn't for the innocent people involved I'd chaulk it up to natural selection. There's just no excuse to get that tanked up and go riding. Sorry, just no sympathy.
yamahay said:You should consider moving to Manitoba. No official speed limits here. The worst they've done so far is if you're ditch riding not to go over the posted speed limit for the highway you're beside. I've past RCMP cruisers going in the same direction while doing 130kph with no problems. Not sure if you're still able to but we used to ride the Red River right through the middle of Winnipeg (700,000 people) with no speed limits enforceable because it's a waterway that crosses an international boundary and is thus under federal jurisdiction.
In Manitoba the speed limit on the trails is 80 kms and in the corners it is 30 kms.At least on the signs I have seen posted.Having said that I have also ditched banged passing cruisers at 120kms plus.From talking to the local RCMPs they are looking for DUIs
Active member
all the drunks i see on sleds REALLY pisses me off, that's how my cousins ride with some of their buddy's all the time so i wont even ride with them anymore, haven't for a few years now. Just not worth the risk, and the pain you cause everyone around you and everyone who knows you or the person you killed.