The hood on my venom (blue) seems to be a bit messed up from towing this past winter. I'm guessing that the clear coat got damaged from the cover billowing while in transit. Has anyone had any luck with the various scratch removing products from the automotive world? The windshield is messed up as well.
I think the 3 step process (cleaner polish then wax) from either mothers or meguiars will do the trick. I have used both with great results. I currently use mothers. post pics of before and after
post some pics of how deep the scratches are, better to give advice that way
They are more like rub marks rather than scratches from the cover blowing around while trailering. The trailer has a salt guard, but the Yamaha cover still billows out. Next season, I'll bungee the crap out if it.
One more thing,the rub marks kind of frost the clear coat making it look blotchy.
Active member
I have always just used some polish on it and rubbed for awhile until the color comes back all the way and the blotchyness goes away. I know exactly what you mean
agreed, standing by my original suggestion 

New member
I cannot answer many things I usually ask! but with out going into the whole process of why I bought these products remember a hood is not metal like on a car! 3M plastic cleaner part # 051131 EXCELLENT!! Then Flitz wax protectant, it says right on the frontexceptional on fiberglass, clearcoat& paint, excellent also! but if it is more than a surface scratch you might have to live with it! My 02!
and save up and buy a covered trailer 

or spend the money on an undercover, or if you know someone who can sew good make one. Those things work pretty dang good.
New member
[Too high $$$ a king size bed sheet with the elastic around the bottom works perfect I have a terrycloth one bumper to bumper little big on the sides but NBD! but this still does not answer your ? about getting the scratches out!QUOTE=kixx007]or spend the money on an undercover, or if you know someone who can sew good make one. Those things work pretty dang good.[/QUOTE]
I'm happy to report that Maguire's "Scratch X" worked very well on the paint blemishes on the hood. The Flitz product was a close second.
Active member
did you hand rub or use a buffer?
Pics Pics Pics!!! 

Hand rub with a soft cotton applicator pad. I purchased the pads at Target, 5 for $3.00. I'll try to shoot before and after pics when I do the entire hood, hopefuuly soon.
Last night was just a quick experiment to see if I was on the right track.
Last night was just a quick experiment to see if I was on the right track.
sounds sweet, cant wait to see the difference
New member
I just tried a search on this as I'm trying to find a few products to help out with some scratches on a few things (vehicles, dad's sled, and... my welder's mask. lol... don't roll you're eyes)
First attempt I used Nu Finish Scratch Doctor... didn't do a thing, maybe brought back a little bit of gloss effect, but no noticeable difference in scratches. They are more burns than anything really... just caused by weld spatter from the mig and stick. Anyway, here's some pictures of before (after nu finish... like I said it's didn't touch the scratches) Hopefully i'll be able to find some of that magic Scratch X and try it out. I'll post some after pics when I'm satisfied... just for you 03viperguy lol
First attempt I used Nu Finish Scratch Doctor... didn't do a thing, maybe brought back a little bit of gloss effect, but no noticeable difference in scratches. They are more burns than anything really... just caused by weld spatter from the mig and stick. Anyway, here's some pictures of before (after nu finish... like I said it's didn't touch the scratches) Hopefully i'll be able to find some of that magic Scratch X and try it out. I'll post some after pics when I'm satisfied... just for you 03viperguy lol

New member
Since our hoods are plastic I wonder if Meguire's Plastic X wouldn't be better?