Scratches on Hood, What to do

PhatboyC said:
Since our hoods are plastic I wonder if Meguire's Plastic X wouldn't be better?
The hood material shouldnt be the detemining factor, the type of paint used should be. Ski Doo and Cat I believe are molded colored plastic hoods where that may need to be taken in to consideration.
Just my 1 1/2 cents ( my opinion isnt usually worth the whole 2 cents) lol
Scratch X is made for clear coats on cars. I would think the clear coat (do we have any) or paint on the Yamies hood would be a softer compound. But then again most cars today have lots of plastic panels.
crewchief47 said:
I use a 3M finishing compound with great results (on paint). Pretty pricey but goes a long way on sleds. Check out an auto body store.
Same here chief, with a buffer, takes 'em right out then a nice coat
of wax and she just blings..
I was thinking of using my random orbital buffer but you where not afraid of pealing the corner of the stickers with it?
