New SXViper Mountain


New member
Feb 14, 2005
Just got a hell of a deal on a new 2003 Yamaha SXViper mountain. It has 0 miles on it after 2 years, got it for practically half price of a brand new Viper mtn. :WayCool: This thing is gonna be a freaking montser. Too bad i have to wait like 6 months to ride it. The guy won it on The Price is Right but lives in San Diego so he never rode it. He even delivered it to Sac for me. Looks like i will be selling my 2000 Mountain Max 600 soon.



;)! I thought the bumper seemed a bit goofy, considering it is exactly the opposite of my mtn max.

So if i remember correctly, nothing between 03 and the current viper has changed, right?
If i'm not wrong, 04 and 05 has the digitally controlled hand and thumb varmers.

Nice sled. You chose the right color ;)
NB-VIPER said:
Where do you ride? You live in Cali ? You get much snow there ?

I live in Sacramento. I usually ride in the Sierra-Nevada mountains near Lake Tahoe. Around 6500-9000 ft elevation, lots of big mountain riding, boondocking and hillclimbing.

We had an awesome year. At Blue Lakes, one of the big snowmobile areas near Kirkwood, CA, they got up to 800 inches up high. Or at least that is what the Kirkwood website claims. It was crazy early this year we had 2 10 foot storms back to back in like 12 days.

Last time i went was mid-may. If i really wanted to go this weekend, i could probably still go, but it would be slushy and possibly not that well covered, not worth thrashing my new baby. Beside I am gonna have to have it jetted for elevation before i ride it.
Ditich the skis for Simmons, put on a Boss seat, suck the limiter up 3/4" and gear down to 20/40. It's gonna be a lot different than the MM. Enjoy.
LoneViper said:
Ditich the skis for Simmons, put on a Boss seat, suck the limiter up 3/4" and gear down to 20/40. It's gonna be a lot different than the MM. Enjoy.
I was thinking about skis for it, would different skis make a huge difference? What is the stock gearing on this thing? And excuse my ignorance, the limiter? In the track, right? What would that do for the ride?
MtnMax600 said:
I was thinking about skis for it, would different skis make a huge difference? What is the stock gearing on this thing? And excuse my ignorance, the limiter? In the track, right? What would that do for the ride?
limiter straps are on the front arm of the rear suspension. also get a torque stop. easy to install, it helps belt life and more power to the track.
Stock gearing was 21/40, it doesn't seem like much but one tooth made a big difference. The stock skis aren't much good at all, especially in deeper power. You wont believe the difference a set of Simmons make.

The limiter strap on the front shock is set all the way out, shorten it about 3/4" this pulls the front of the suspension up into the tunnel and helps it get on the snow. You will find quite a difference between the MM and the Mtn Viper.
LoneViper said:
Stock gearing was 21/40, it doesn't seem like much but one tooth made a big difference. The stock skis aren't much good at all, especially in deeper power. You wont believe the difference a set of Simmons make.

The limiter strap on the front shock is set all the way out, shorten it about 3/4" this pulls the front of the suspension up into the tunnel and helps it get on the snow. You will find quite a difference between the MM and the Mtn Viper.
dont rule out the 05 mountain skis if your on a budget. they get a lot of great feedback and after selling your stock skis (the new ones reuse your handles and carbides) you will shell out well under $100! i have a set in my garage and they look awesome, even an adjustable stance with them!
My Mtn Vector has the new skis they are great if you are in only powder, if the snow gets a little crusted they have some real bite and can be a hand full. They preform and handle alot like SLP Powder Pro's. They are a good alternitive though.
LoneViper said:
My Mtn Vector has the new skis they are great if you are in only powder, if the snow gets a little crusted they have some real bite and can be a hand full. They preform and handle alot like SLP Powder Pro's. They are a good alternitive though.
what do you mean by a handful? steering effort, darting?
They have a lot of bit while turning and can catch on the crusted surface. They don't dart bad at all and handle well in powder but they can really catch on a crusted surface and can make it pretty hard to steer at times. On the trail this doesnt seem to be much of a problem.
LoneViper said:
You will find quite a difference between the MM and the Mtn Viper.
How much different is the handling between the 2? I wouldn't have imaginied it would be significantly different.

When shortening the limiter strap-does it make the suspension much stiffer? is it more harsh over bumps on the trail like that?

I figure i will pick up a set of pow skis over the summer sometime. Someone will eventually be selling a set on here.
shortening the limiter won't really make the suspension much stiffer. A little bit in the sense that there is less front arm travel before it couples, but it will perform much better in the deep snow by helping get rid of the trenching. It lowers the approach angle, helping the snow pack up before it goes under the track.
I agree with Yamhaholic22, I had to pull the limiters up mine trinched real bad all the way out. The two suspensions side by side look the same except one is a 141" and the other is a 144". But the transfer is not the same at all, my 2000MM would go places the Viper wouldn't even think about. To this day I really don't know why, some say it is the engine weight.

At any rate with some tinkering I got the Viper dialed in pretty good. I think most of my problem was me and the way I would ride it. In the deep powder it is more of WOT sled where the MM had finess and agility. If you are in the trees with deep snow you need to ride with your " a" game on the Viper the MM was gas it and go.

Don't get me wrong both sleds are good but the Viper has a learning curve. It'll be fun for you.
