New SXViper Mountain

LoneViper said:
I agree with Yamhaholic22, I had to pull the limiters up mine trinched real bad all the way out. The two suspensions side by side look the same except one is a 141" and the other is a 144". But the transfer is not the same at all, my 2000MM would go places the Viper wouldn't even think about. To this day I really don't know why, some say it is the engine weight.

At any rate with some tinkering I got the Viper dialed in pretty good. I think most of my problem was me and the way I would ride it. In the deep powder it is more of WOT sled where the MM had finess and agility. If you are in the trees with deep snow you need to ride with your " a" game on the Viper the MM was gas it and go.

Don't get me wrong both sleds are good but the Viper has a learning curve. It'll be fun for you.
That actually surprises me a lot. I would think that the viper would be more able then the MM. The engine is a bit bigger, but my buddy has a MM700 and it feels very much like my 600, tho his is a 136". I wouldnt think the extra engine would have that much affect on it. Although the engine and track will undoubtedly make it a better climber, which will be nice.

When you say the MM would go places the viper wont think about, what type riding are you talking about? From most of the sleds i have ridden, they all take their own brand of finess.

I got pretty good on my MM in the season i had it so i am not too worried about the viper, i just find it interesting what others have to say about the differences. Makes me really want to go out and ride. Stupid summer.
So i was wondering if there are any other things i should look out for with this? Any common problems, easy things to upgrade that will make a big difference(other then the ones already mentioned)?

What is the warranty for these? I am technically the 3rd owner, but the 2nd owner only had it for a week. 2003 with 0 miles I would think still has some warranty left. Are they like cars-like 3 years and a certain mileage?
I had a 97 MM with the 136 track, then I moved up to the 2000 MM 700 with a 141" track. We do a lot of trees and soft snow smaller hills, I'm not into hill climbing, but I could make the 141" MM do most anything or go any where I wanted it to. It seemed to me like the right combo of track and power. Then I added the Viper to the mix and it seemed like I was starting over, not moving up. It had great power but I didn't feel like it would go through the snow as well. A ton of track spin so I geared down one tooth, and shortoned the limiter to about 3/4" this helped a bunch and I had it pretty good but you know the new stuff always looks better.

Mine where all stock and the Viper was a good sled for sure.
You sound like you have my attitude - if my sled cant go up it/get there then i probably shouldnt go there. Was your MM a 700 or 600? I felt that the 600 was just a bit underpowered for that track. My MM was very capable but i wanted something just a bit bigger/more powerful and for $4700 i could not pass up the viper.

144 is as big as i will ever need to go. People with 166 1000's are rediculous, good luck riding trees in deep snow on one of those. I rode my friends built-up MM that had a 156 and it was waaay different of a ride, hard to turn. In open pow fields i could barely get it on its side for carving turns.
My 2000 MM was a 700 best sled since my Phazer long track, I thought. The 700 MM was slow but just perfict for what we do.

I thought 141 was plenty of track, then I went to 144. Ah much better, then I went to 151. All my buddies have 159 or 162 I don't think I'll go that long.

I don't care what sled they are, they are all fun.
