Need Wahl 8th extr instructions


VIP Lifetime Member
Nov 30, 1999
Tipton, Iowa
Got a set of wahl 8 th extroverts to install, but no directions or measurements. Anyone have some laying around. I need to know if there is a timing mark to line up too. Thanks Paul
I hope someone can transfer this to the tech section. For Wahl brother 8 tooth dual drive extroverts. On a viper shaft the driver on the speedo bearing end. Measure in 6.25 inches, this will be the inside edge of the driver. On the gear drive end. Measure in 8.75 inches. this will be the inside of that driver. For all other drivers, you need to measure from the gear end in 11.59 inches to find center of the shaft. The windows are right at 9 inch centered. So you just work backwards from there.
do you have measurements from the ends of the shaft like above, except instead of the inside edge could you get measurements to the outside edge of the hub (the base, banded part) its the closest thing to the ends of the shaft, tape measure should touch end of driver and lay on shaft. i had my polaris dealer do mine and want to double check the work, it doesnt look right and i really cant measure the way you described when they are already on. thanks
Measure the thickness of your drivers and subtract it. If they are wahl 8 tooth they are 3 inches, so it would be 3.25 and 5.75. Maxdlx
i get 2.5" and 5.5" with a center to center of 8.875" but the drivers are a little wider than 3.25" and they are wahl bros.
Try putting the shaft in the track and see if the drivers line up. I got the 11.59 to find center of shaft and 9 inch centers for the drivers right from wahl. Maxdlx
One more. I had mine in and it lined up perfect. I just screwed up the holes in my drop brakets, so I need to redrill them. I'll have pics of the completed project soon. Maxdlx ps what sled,
mine is an 02 viper er 136" x 1.75". i measured center and every other way and the drivers are about .25" too close to the speedo side. ill have to fix it. thanks for the help and ill look forward to your pics.
I am sure I talked to Max in 05, braap posted up today asking for pics, I currently have 2 Yammies in the garage right now, 1 with extros, 1 with stock drivers.
