Vintage SRX Parts-for sale


New member
Jul 30, 2003
Thought I might buy another old SRX - but -time,money,3-1/2 year old son has forced me to think about selling my two boxes of old srx parts. Most parts are for @ 79' srx-I have cylinders,carbs,waterpump,radiator,alot of other misc..stuff . Anyone Interested??Whats this stuff worth?? I'm not looking at making a million of this stuff-but to help out someone out for a restoration. Thats why we have this great web site.(otherwise this stuff would be on Ebay!!)
Help me get rid of it -so I can have some extra sledding $$$ - and I can help someone else too!!!
Thanks-Matt ;)!
SRX parts!

Matt,this is Harlond the guy who bought your 80 SRX.I am rebuilding a 79 SRX motor for a spare for your old sled and I could use a set of cylinders.What kind of shape are yours in?
Hey harlond-yea I'll check tonight and get back to ya-when I looked at them few days ago,I didn't think they had any groves in them- I'll check tonight.
SRX Parts


I am looking for a set of outer ski suspension covers (black plastic)
A water pump belt
Drive axle with nut, cogs, and speedometer sdie bearing housing.

Do you have any of these??
I might have the water pump belt(may come w/water pump) and I think maybe a speedo drive housing-I'll check and get back to ya
As far as the spindle covers go,you can get fiberglass repros from Lee Fredrickson @ classic muscle sleds in mn.651-433-2401. I bought a set and they're pretty nice.You can also get rubber repros from Leon Koch.I don't have his info but ask around because he's pretty well known in the vintage community. Shawn
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Spindle Covers

Shawn are the ones in your pictures the fiberglass ones??
Roughly how much did they cost for the pair??


srx570 said:
As far as the spindle covers go,you can get fiberglass repros from Lee Fredrickson @ classic muscle sleds in mn.651-433-2401. I bought a set and they're pretty nice.You can also get rubber repros from Leon Koch.I don't have his info but ask around because he's pretty well known in the vintage community. Shawn
Those are the ones. They were about 75.00 for the pair shipped. They need very little tweaking and they'll look great. I like the fact that i can paint them and make them shine. Not exactly accurate,but i'm not worried about that.
vmax3 said:
Shawn are the ones in your pictures the fiberglass ones??
Roughly how much did they cost for the pair??


Mark, I personally had the molds made up for the rubber ones Leon is now selling and they were made identical to the origional rubber ones. They were molded off of 2 good origional oem Yamaha rubber boots for accuracy. They are your best bet for a nice restoration. The fiberglass ones dont look as good and arent correct for a restoration. Tom Todd also sells plastic ones as well. Its up to you how nice you want your sled to look.
srx570 said:
You're right,the rubber ones would be better.I was just give him info on other options that i was aware of.

I know. The rubber is more expensive and the fiberglass and plastic ones are cheaper. The cheaper ones are for someone who either races and doesn't want a show sled or origional looking sled or someone who cannot afford to buy the rubber ones.
At the time that i bought the fiberglass ones i wasn't aware i could get the rubber ones.So i bought what i could get.My sled isn't going to be accurate anyway. it's going to be more of a fun knock off or a "mutt" i guess you could say.I guess it's all how much you want to spend.
Hey Harlond - yes I did - you'll need to have them re-plated. Still interested??
I'll try to take some pics on the rest of the stuff I have.
Thanks guys-Matt

Matt,I bought a set off e-bay then because the set I have now also needed to be rechromed.Thanks Harlond.
Leon's rubber boots are way over priced.
the best deal is from Tom Todd. his plastic boots are very nice and are stronger than OEM rubber boots yet flexible. Tom's prices are much better than Leon's price also.
77srx440 said:
new oem ones look the best. ;)!

just wondering where you get new OEM boots from ? they have not been available from Yahama for years now.
the price for Leon's rubber boots is $200 for a set. Tom Todd is selling the plastic boots for $65 a set.

do you have a mechanical tack cable that is in good working condition and not worn or broke?
