04 TY Ride Pics

Damn, you guys had some serious 'stucks' :)

For my first TY ride, conditions were excellent! Great to meet the people I've been chatting with here for a couple of years!

And damn that Jenga game ;)

Great pics guys, thanks for hosting mine Tom 8)
Re: More pictures

yamahagirl said:
Here are a few more pics from this weekend http://www.michigansledhead.net/snowmobile/ty ride 2004.htm

Joe you missed the game on Saturday ... you had to wear the speed racer helmet if you lost and we changed a few of the blocks to dares! Needless to say my face hurt from laughing so much!

Great pics! Love the captions :lol:

I missed you guys Sat morning! I hit town with my buddy who lives there not much happening in Muni even on a Saturday night lol
Great pics folks!

Joe, I wish you would have taken more, this was the best Muni ride I've ever done! We had a great group of guys every day, and the trails were as good as anything we've seen in Ontario, really.

On the way home, I wanted to go back up!

Now, if I can only figure out how to download the video we got...my brother Orrin's little 'off' is simply hilarious! Christy was rolling!

Any tips on video posting?
I didn't get a chance to ride with any TYer's. My roomie was on a different timetable (get up late and get home late) I was however able to get a rare photo of our webmasters in a high power brainstorming meeting, who, with the help of some outside consultants are developing the next major development for the world wide web.
This is the "Thunder Bowl" an old closed ski hill near Thunder Lake. The locals have bonfires on the hill tops. Maybe we should have a little get together here on the next ride?
Last one.
This is Trail 8 East of Grand Marais heading to T-Falls. The snow covered pines were typical of what all the routes looked like. These were some of the best conditions I have ridden in. Thanks Tom and Rich for hosting a great trip!
Gina, I had two pieces a few weeks back, great pizza, but don't hit the HAYWIRE afterwards, the two don't mix!!!!!
