IS anyone NOT going to haydays because of gas prices?


New member
Jun 19, 2005
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
just wonderig how many people are letting gas prices stop them from going to the great haydays? THis will be my first year going, and I will be damned if gas is gonna stop me from getting there. Just wondering if others share my opinion, or arent going because of gas prices?

SWEET! I am coming up from cedar rapids, iowa. I cant wait, shoudl be a great time! PS College is a lame excuse, missing a few days isnt a big deal! LoL, gotta do what yah gotta do man, no pun intended!
yea gas prices are holding me back, and a badger football game. I've went plenty of times, it's a lot of fun, but not at four bucks a gallon.
A bottle of Grey Goose is keeping me from going. Is that a legitimate excuse? Actually, I live too far away for a long weekend. Maybe someday.

gas holding me back from going anywhere. this blows, no need at all. if we send a message that price are hurting our lifestyles they will do something, if we dont send that message the oil barons will keep pushing it up to see what our limit is then hold pricing there. if you say it is not going to change what you are doing, you are part of the problem. ski
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that is ****ing hilarious! you think we shoudl all drop everythign we do, just so the gas prices will go back down? Sorry, but some of us might not wanna stay at home every damned day, just so the oil company will get a message. They already know man that it is effecting our everyday lifestyles, does it seem to matter one bit, HELL NO! It will go back down, its just a damned game man, and I dont think you are correct in sayign that either, good one ski...
hey great way to get respect, make a post asking if fuel pricing is effecting anyone then bash them when it does. (class act in my book) glad you are self sufficiant and the price of everything doesnt effect you personally. i never said quit doing/going everywhere in that post. but you need to look at some thing seriously, what will it take to bother you about the prices of fuel???? 4 dollars a gallon, 5, 6 10.00 per gallon? when do you draw the line??? and when you draw that line, are you willing to keep paying that price on a daily basis???? do i think the prices will stay up there? no. am i doing my part to avoid the extra fuel use? yes! i daily drive an escort zx2 for work commute at 35mpg and i ride my motorcycle at 50+ mpg whenever possible. truck sits until it is needed. man you need a reality check! mr 173 posts. ski
Very Well said Ski....
I have been on leave from work for the last week and did no go anywhere because of fuel prices.
this is funny you made this post because at work today i was thinking about making the same post saying thats why i wont be able to make was up in the air there for a few weeks but i think the gas prices made up my on a fixed income & i cant afford to pay attention.
skidooboy said:
hey great way to get respect, make a post asking if fuel pricing is effecting anyone then bash them when it does. (class act in my book) glad you are self sufficiant and the price of everything doesnt effect you personally. i never said quit doing/going everywhere in that post. but you need to look at some thing seriously, what will it take to bother you about the prices of fuel???? 4 dollars a gallon, 5, 6 10.00 per gallon? when do you draw the line??? and when you draw that line, are you willing to keep paying that price on a daily basis???? do i think the prices will stay up there? no. am i doing my part to avoid the extra fuel use? yes! i daily drive an escort zx2 for work commute at 35mpg and i ride my motorcycle at 50+ mpg whenever possible. truck sits until it is needed. man you need a reality check! mr 173 posts. ski

if you say it is not going to change what you are doing, you are part of the problem. ski

Sorry ski, I must have misunderstood your post, due the the above, the part that says, if you say it is not going to change what you are doing, you are part of the problem. I do not think that i am part of the problem, that is why I got all offensive. Just look at that, and how does that statement look man? I wasnt trying to attack you in any way shape or form, just took it as you were sayin I was the problem, since I was still going to haydays, and I shouldnt be because gas is so high. Get where I am coming from? Anyways, I do agree it is rediculous prices, and dont want to see it get any higher than it already is. As far as not doing things, I still have to drive to owrk and waht not yah know? And taking a vacation once a year isnt that bad, even tho it is pretty sick how high prices are. this will be my first year going to haydays, and im not gonna miss it for gas. Sorry if I affeneded anyone, wasnt tryign too, just misunderstood the post, and jumped to conclusions
!*~l0lz! *99sRx700* yEw TypE preTty!!!^~`~~!***
It would appear there isn't a 11-15 yr old girl forum for you to go to... shucks. I guess you could just stay in the general forums.. I get a kick out of you contradicting yourself...
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The best way to ignore is to not acknowledge it if you don't agree. Thanks :)
