700 cc motor but with 600 carbs


New member
Sep 17, 2005
i am woundering if i can use 600 carbs on a 700 engine
if so what do i need to change i have a 600 sxr with 700 engine waiting to go in

I dunno, I would think it WOULD work, but not well.. I'd splurge and get the 700 carbs, unless of course they are the same...
The 600 triple uses smaller carbs. It won,t work well.The 600 uses 31 cfm carbs & the 700 uses 33 cfm carbs, Don,t buy a carb rack from a 700 or 600 SRX...cus the needle jet; main jets, pilot,s...everything is totally different. Look for a used carb rack from a 700 sx...it will bolt right on.Your gonna need a 700 sx cdi box too.Must be from 97-99.If your 600 is a 02 your gonna need a cdi box from a 01 700 sx-r & a carb rack with a TPS system from a 00-01 sx-r.
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the nozzles and jets are all different. I have a set off of a 97 700 sx for $75 shippped to the lower 48. Maxdlx
