Viper tripple vs. stock SRX tripple

Mac said:
Zachalyse said:
It's a far better investment.

I'm a believer of : "once you mess with it, it will never be the same." I seen it many many times in my 25+ years with sleds and bikes.


The only reason Zachalyse would comment this way is because he is or knows many others who were very bad mechanics. Once you break your toys one too many times you learn not to " mess with it".
As far as investments maybe a house, stock market, 401k, but never a snowmobile. Thats a toy I just run the crap out of until its worth almost nothing.

Tripple piped vipers are a classic case in point. As everyone says, It has to be done right. But, from what I've read on here, there don't seem to be many that do it right. There seems to be way more issues and problems then non issues. And I'm sure not all that have had problems are "very bad mechanics".

Betheviper himself has admitted to having a lot of piston problems through the years.

I'm really not sure why people are getting all over me about this. It's just my opinion.
Some of you can't honestly tell me that you would feel comfortable buying a modified sled from someone that you have no idea of their mechanical skills. And I'm not talking about betheviper or his sled.

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scott but i have the viper harness on the srx motor& the srx cdi will not plug into the viper harness.( im im using the viper harness to plug into the viper gauge)
use the srx harness, use the srx cdi box, use the plug from the viper guage and the wiring from your harness. all the wires are there and are the correct color(as i remember) you may even look at the plug where this all plugs at the front of the coul. the speed sensor and temp light are the only ones you need to rout outside the harness. do the by pass to the light. the pickup is like two wires.

without the srx box you will have to run like 165mains and the sled will run like crap.
