Question about Cleaning Clutch


New member
Oct 6, 2005
Marystown, NL
I just cleaned the primary and secondary on my viper. A fair bit of dirt came off with Brake Cleaner, but I noticed that on the primary the surface is not completely smooth about a inch from the top. It feels almost a little bumpy to the touch. I can see what looks like corrosion or something. I was wondering if I used 1500 or 2000 grit sand paper on the primary would that be ok to smooth it out.
use a green or brown scotch pad to dull the surface of the clutches.

and when going through the cluches remember that they go back together dry, no lube on any parts.

the scotch pad works great.
I just came in from my garage after speding about 5 hours on my sled today.
Cleaning the clutches was one of the jobs.
YEP.......Spray on Brake Cleaner.........Works Great ;)!

BUT.........don't stop there, Wash everthing in WARM SOAPY WATER. and wipe dry. I do mine every second weekend. Do not spray any type of lub on them, as it will act like a Magnet and collect all kinds of belt dust.

Those S.B. pads work very well when wet, go ahead and use your wet/dry paper to sand out the ridges. I'm lucky I put them on a lathe and cut them,then Dynamically Balance them after words.

But then again im ANAL :Moon:
don't use brake cleaner anymore boys, it leaves a petroleum film on the clutches and causes belt slip and higher clutch temperatures. Instead use water that is so hot that you can hardly touch it with a good degreasing dishsoap. It cleans just as well and doesn't leave any petroleum residue. I used to use brake cleaner as well.....not anymore
Using Brake Cleaner is still fine, as I said wash them afterwards.............If you want 2 go 1 more step......

.......use Isopropanol 2 wipe them sweeky clean with.

Don't believe me........THEN TRY IT ;)!
tryed simple green in parts cleaner tank.
just put your clutch in turn on, come back ond roll it over.
works pretty good.

some rummer about it eats aluminum.???????????????
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hey guys, just found this thread. i have always cleaned the clutches with acetone and a scotch brite. does anyone scuff the sides of their belt? i was told before to do this, but don't, cause i don't want to comprimise its integrity.
I use brake cleaner on our clutches, then like buffalo bob said wipe it clean with acetone, along with the belt. After every race we scotch brite both clutches and belt, then wipe off with the acetone.
x2 dishwasher is the way to go......And for me always hot soapy water. No other cleaner needed...But each there own right.

I used to wash with brake cleaner but supposedly it leaves chemicals in the aluminum surface. i just use scotch brite and clean with simple green now. make sure any belt residue is gone and no black crap left on the rag after you wipe the surfaces clean.
