transfer rods on a viper??

03viperguy said:
n2oiroc, I love cornering like I am on rails too much to have "brutal" transfer, just wanted to hook up some. lined up against dads vector last year. his ripsaw spun about 10 feet then just hooked, judging by the path he leaft on the lake. I would spin at least 30 up to 50 feet before you could see the track pattern. WAY too much spinning lol!
i used to run full transfer on my old polaris ultra to try and get traction. i even tried removing the rear scissor blocks, wayyy to much transfer that way on grass! ;):D i had to let off the gas to see where i was going! lol!
i don't care for that much transfer.Just hooking up,I like it to rail around the corners,not lift the skis.
yup, will handle good up front, but will neither hook up, and the rear wont hold nice through the turns. slides out on occasion and just slips back and forth in soft snow :( figured the ripsaw would remedy this as dads vector is amazing. but if it didnt I figured I would have the info needed to decide what else to do :)
I have adjustable control rod nuts and love them. I set to max transfer when I'm showing off or goofing around and the trails are not to tight. However when we get to tight trails and I need control, just a couple twists and I'm tight again. I like them!
