Mono-Shock installed in Viper

mimes in a Viper S the rear shocks don't get any better for a proaction, the mono is better, but again I went with the Ohlin on the mono.
I had my Viper shocks revalved by Pioneer Performance and that helped over stock. The mono is night and day over the proaction with the updated shocks.
Shoot I was hoping the revalved shocks I have sitting in the box would be close to a mono, I'll install and try them out maybe it will be good enough. 2 years of riding the non-updated shocks should allow me to love the sled again after the re-valve hopefully.
I put a mono in my Srx and i think it rides better than the Apex i rode this weekend but then again iv'e moved the c- clip position to #2 and limiter brought down 1 hole and the clicker set between the hard and soft position and Have not bottomed out yet.
oh if you've beeen riding an 02 with original shocks for 2 years your butt will love you for changing the shocks....................
the revalve makes a big difference, the mono would be HUGE! thats what I am figuring at least. my 03 was a lot better after the revalve, and the 02 was even stiffer than mine lol!
