yzp springs?


Jan 17, 2005
central minnesota
I have found a source for yzp clutch springs. Only have the part numbers and a color description. Have been able to I.D. only 2 of them. Can anyone else help me figure if these will work in my old yzp clutchs and then be able to tell me the compresion rates?

1) 90501-55a0-00 wht/green '88 phazer
2) 90501-501g3-00 green/yellow '90 phazer
3) 90501-55672-00 green/orange
4) 90501-55688-00 pink/orange
5) 90501-50631-00 brown/pink
6) 90501-55355-00 yellow/yellow '75 gpx? (not the yzp clutch then)

Thanks, Monty
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if i remember right,the brown/pink one is from a 80 srx and the yellow/yellow is a gyt gpx spring
thunderjet440 said:
if i remember right,the brown/pink one is from a 80 srx and the yellow/yellow is a gyt gpx spring

Yellow/yellow is stock 80 srx I think. 75 gpx gyt spring for 338 and 433 is black/blue or blue/silver.
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any idea how or who could cross ref these part numbers for me? the springs are available, and I want as many options for engagement as possible
gpxsrxracer said:
Yellow/yellow is stock 80 srx I think. 75 gpx gyt spring for 338 and 433 is black/blue.
yellow yellow is a gyt spring-listed in the gyt manual as a step down from the blue silver.now that i think of it,the 80 srx just may be yellow/brown
the yellow/yellow should kick in as high as the blue/silver,but shift a bit quicker with the same secondary settings.5200 to 5600 rpm according to the manual
so then the yellow/yellow is a gyt spring for the 80 srx? looking at the yami online part finder - ti looks like the 80 srx clutch is different than that of the 88 phazer. 80 Srx spring looks shorter thus i dont think it will fit my clutch
The Aaen Clutching Manual had very helpful spring cross-reference sheets in the back for older Yamaha, Comet, & others.
i have that book laying around, forgot all about it. will have to look at it this weekend. still would like to know what all the above listed springs are though
montynormand said:
so then the yellow/yellow is a gyt spring for the 80 srx? looking at the yami online part finder - ti looks like the 80 srx clutch is different than that of the 88 phazer. 80 Srx spring looks shorter thus i dont think it will fit my clutch
sorry i wasn't clear.the yellow/yellow is a gpx/gyt spring.it's listed in the gyt installation manual for the 75' model.
2-3/8" 1-1/8" YPZ/color
56 176 wht/green '88 phazer
50 164 green/yellow '90 phazer
86 256 green/orange
66 252 pink/orange
???? brown/pink
(94 224 brown/white?)
48 208 yellow/yellow

IMO, I'd go back to comet clutch...for cost of parts alone
so then, minus the 90501-55355-00 yellow/yellow these others will work in this old ypz?

2-3/8" 1-1/8" YPZ/color
1) 90501-55a0-00 wht/green '88 phazer 56#/176#
2) 90501-501g3-00 green/yellow '90 phazer 50#/164#
3) 90501-55672-00 green/orange 86#/256#
4) 90501-55688-00 pink/orange 66#/252#
5) 90501-50631-00 brown/pink
6) 90501-55355-00 yellow/yellow'75 gpx? (not the yzp clutch then) 48#/208#

Thinking more everyday that I wish I could afford two new 102c's. But got to live with what I got for this year. I have the clutches cheap, and the springs are only around $15 for each listed above.
Weights are tought to find also. I would love to find someone with a bunch of these old springs and weights!!!!!!
Thanks for all the info ToyDoc
thunderjet440 said:
yellow yellow is a gyt spring-listed in the gyt manual as a step down from the blue silver.now that i think of it,the 80 srx just may be yellow/brown
the yellow/yellow should kick in as high as the blue/silver,but shift a bit quicker with the same secondary settings.5200 to 5600 rpm according to the manual

I have a listing of springs at home just forgot to post them. Will do it tonight if I can. The yellow/yellow isnt a gyt spring, I know its listed in the manual, but its not listed as a gyt spring in the info I have. The spring is just an alternative to the blue/silver as they give you some tuneing options in the maunal for clutching if your shifting out too late or too soon and so on. I will post exactly as it says in the book when I get home.
montynormand said:
I have found a source for yzp clutch springs. Only have the part numbers and a color description. Have been able to I.D. only 2 of them. Can anyone else help me figure if these will work in my old yzp clutchs and then be able to tell me the compresion rates?

1) 90501-55a0-00 wht/green '88 phazer
2) 90501-501g3-00 green/yellow '90 phazer
3) 90501-55672-00 green/orange
4) 90501-55688-00 pink/orange
5) 90501-50631-00 brown/pink
6) 90501-55355-00 yellow/yellow '75 gpx? (not the yzp clutch then)

Thanks, Monty

Here is what I have for #'s 3-6. Hope this helps. ;)!

~~~~~Spring~~~~~~~~Colors~~~~Used on
3) 90501-55672-00 green/orange=1981 spring.
4) 90501-55688-00 pink/orange=1981 spring.
5) 90501-50631-00 brown/pink=1980 spring.
6) 90501-55355-00 yellow/yellow =1980 spring.
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