carb heaters

I only turn mine on when its really cold, and when its really cold I normally dont ride. You may foul plugs if you ride in real warm temps with them turned on, otherwise I dont think they will hurt anything other than possibly a little bit of your performance.
I've never experienced any fouling problems and I've rode with mine turned on every time except once, it was about 50*, snow was melting, had to get a last rip in. lol
Seems to run fine though when it's 40* or less. Some people may have different results though. my .02
no noticeable problems running mine ON most of the time (unless its above 0C)....just remember to turn them off and on a few times a season, or the valve may get tight or sieze up.
you will find mixed thoughts on this one. It has been discussed before and it is a split for people that leave them on all the time and some that shut it off in warmer weather. Mine stays open all the time and I ride were weather fluctuates by 25 deg.
I leave mine on all the time.Ever since one day riding with off,and then the next morning my carbs were froze!!
its not heating the air up that much for the split second it is in the carb, your fine leaving it on.
i leave mine on. i only ride below freezing anyways. besides i would need to carry pliers to turn mine!
Like I said mixed advice. Some leave the heater on and some turn them off in warmer weather.
It is a toss up.
There is really no danger in leaving it on and no danger in turning it off in warmer weather.
I thought by heating them it better atomizes the fuel for better fuel economy, for those that shut it off do you notice any mpg change?
n2oiroc said:
i leave mine on. i only ride below freezing anyways. besides i would need to carry pliers to turn mine!

David usually they only turn hard after the cooling system has been pressurized (sled been running recently). If you try to turn it when it is cold right away in the morning they turn MUCH easier ;)!
L84Work said:
I have never turned my heaters off. Is that something I should start doing?
I ususally leave mine off untill the temps dip into the single digits. On a warm day you will definatly feel the diff between on and off it will feel sluggish.
S.X. said:
I ususally leave mine off untill the temps dip into the single digits. On a warm day you will definatly feel the diff between on and off it will feel sluggish.

Yes i agree, i can definately feel on a warm day if the heated carbs are still turned on, performance is sluggish and mileage goes down.
i used to turn mine on and off all the time, after forgetting one night, and having to be towed back to a bar by a cat, and get HOT water to unfreze the carbs... i pretty much leave them on all the time, except if it is a really warm day.

but hey, i revenged myself, cause i had to tow that cat home the following night when the rear suspension dropped out of it!
