DCS will never shut off!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
I was riding today at -2 c, my sled is jetted for -7 and at wot, the dcs still came on, WHY? The carbs were just cleaned at my dealer. How am I supposed to shut up the dcs system? :o|
I filled up with fresh premium.. But not a bad idea. Thanks for the reply.
The dcs is too touchy. Mine kept going off with my bigbore and the plugs and piston was looked fine. I bypassed mine and have put on lots of miles and no problems. I know when mine was stock I could not run near as lean of jetting as my friends srx's and he had looged on thousands of miles with his jetting. I am not saying to disconnect it I just don't care for it. 1998-2001 seemed to be fine without it.
I meant did you run it stock with fat jetting? I may have found something here, seems like the needle position is only 2,5 instead of 3. One shim over and one under instead of both under. When is the needle in action (what rpm) and when are the mains in action? thanks.
when exactly does it go off?

ok, when is the light coming on only at wide open or when your cruising at about 60-70 down a packed trail??

You see the pilot, needles and mains all overlap each other, so a problem from idle to upper midrange would be addressed by the pilot, fuels screw, and needles. The main only contributes to total wide open fuel flow.
It sometimes is advantages to use a bigger pilot with fuel screw adjustment and play with the shims on the needle, instead of raising the clip on the needle as you can make 1/2 clip improvments or subtractions with the shims, they really help you fine tune the circuit in.

When I had my 02, I simply used 148.8/148.8/150-pto jetting, and had no issues with the dcs, this is the stock 2001 jetting, but you will have 42.5 pilots instead of 40 pilots and this helps to overlap(richen up slightly) the lower circuits.

the srx has a large fuel curve and you can be a couple jets sizes each way and the motor will produce the same hp, so its much better to be on the rich side a jet size or so, that way you dont need to worry about jetting for conditions.
Seems if I hold it open long enough at 8000 rpm and above and at WOT. The problem is mainly at wot. What elevation are you at? I'm almost at sea level. Which cyl is the bigger jet supposed to be at? My dealer put it on mag side, is that right??
I forgot to mention that I have the 2001 jetting on my 02. But it seems like the biggest jet is on the wrong side ...
