how manny inches of snow do you have


Looks like your really gettin some air on that scoot!!
Sweet avitar! I'll bet you've got a dirtbike too Eh?
Have a happy new year.

that jump is not as high as it seems - I was setting on the ground and taking his pic. And yes he also has a TTR90.

Tod/zach's dad
you guys lucky we havent had snow for 3 weeks. and to find snow we go 5hr north into gaylord and thats the snowbelt but the snow still stinks!!!!!!! :die: :nos:
This is complete b.s. I havn't seen more than 2 inches at a timein maine in about 2 months. Its been close to 60 degrees all week and the ice on the ponds is all but gone. Ive put a total of 500 or
so miles this year. Really upsets me to know that the season is basically over now. Even if we get a big storm the rivers are opening so riding can become dangerous with the washouts. Really hard to justify the money I spend on this sport, but for some reason I'm in no hurry to sell my baby.
Well we got around 6-8 here in Minnesota. Had a fairly good winter put on about 700miles riding up in the U.P.
