Server Wide Shut Down!!!

i'm fairly new here, the wealth of info here is astonishing! i would be more than willing to contribute. when you work with the general public they will wear you down! take a break dude. merry christmas to all!

As I said on the 4-stroke side, this is by far the best site for Yamaha sled info on the 'net. I sincerely hope that you do not shut it down.
At the same time, I can see where you are coming from and I can certainly understand why you might want to shut things down for the holiday. Running TY is a 24/7/365 responsibility and Im sure that sometimes you feel like its just not worth the hassle.
I want to make it perfectly clear to you that I appreciate everything that you and the others do to keep this site up and running. Ive learned so much from this site.
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Tom, you have done an amazing job with this site, bringing it from basically a site showing pictures of sleds to the best snowmobile forums on the net, and by far the best and most reliable source of information regarding Yamaha sleds. The same goes for the 4-stroke side. Take a break, we all appreciate the huge amount of time you put into the site and respect your decision to spend time with your family during the holidays. Maybe shutting down for a week or two will show people how badly they are taking TY for granted.

Tom, take a break, spend some time with the family. Most importantly, go riding and enjoy the sport you love. It sucks when what was just a hobby turns into a 24/7 nightmare that you cant enjoy yourself anymore. This the only site that i check into several times a day, and will miss it dearly. but you gotta do whats good for you sometimes. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
everyone needs a break tom. so take one and enjoy it. we will still all be here when you done.

dont make us get your wife after you to take a break.

go sleddin for a week or swear at a sled for a week (whitchever comes 1st).

have a good break ;)! and best of the season to you and yours.

You have my support also. Take the break. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Peace Brother
deekersrx700 said:
My wife would thank you if you shut it down for a week. lol

My wife is sitting right next to me and she votes for a one week vacation. Enjoy your time off deserve it.

Shut’er down and take some time for yourself you deserve it. We all really appreciate the effort you put into providing us with a great site to chat, complain, get tech info, bounce ideas of each other and more!!! Have a very Merry and RELAXING Christmas and New Year.
Take some time for yourself and relax. We all need to do it sometimes. I'd hate to see you give up everything you worked so hard to do with these websites because of a few disrespectful people. If you ever need another moderator, let me know
