Can i run slp pipes without problems (viper)

Did it help with the heat?
Well anywho...if nothing else because of this I now know I can get this done in Fairbanks for 250$ which makes the dive down, not so worth it. Didn't realize powder coating guys did the ceramic, learn something new everyday on TY.
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I have an 04 viper s which already has the rear cooler.Im planning on running slp's next year,along with the opticool gasket,head mod.Does anyone run an 04 with slp's? I was wondering how the slp's work with the dcs?
It's not a 04, but I have an 05 Mtn Viper setup with SLP's and an Attac that runs here at low and out west in high elevations with absolutely no problems what so ever!
Would installing a EGT gauge solve most of the problems? Kinda like my diesel? Back of at 1350 and your ok... Is there a set/safe temp to back down at? Or is it different with a 2 stroke? I ride northern, VT. It seems like all the fuel i see has Ethanal in it. I just can't put 1500 into my sled and then have it burn down the first ride...
EGT will allow you to re-jet to a consistent point, but you have to read wash first without the EGT's. EGT can vary greatly with probe placement timing etc.. Jet with wash. When this is good see what the temp is. From then on jetting giving that temp on that sled will be good.

As to your question about the ceramic coating helping with the under hood heat problems. Do you mean heat problems like pipes melting portions of the hood and tub or do you mean problems from steam/heat build up and getting hot air into the air intake?

I guess either way I didnt have any problems before. I have a ton of heat tape in the engine bay and I am running the GYT cold air intake along with the hartman inc air intake mod (drill a bunch of holes in the ribbed areas of the pod) so i am getting in cold air and letting out hot air pretty good.
