High idle


New member
Oct 25, 2004
Livonia, MI
Anyone ever heard of this one?

01 SRX700 bone stock 2400miles

Ever since I got this sled at 800 miles there has been an idle problem. Once it gets warm, it wants to idle around 3-5K or just before the clutch starts to engage. Nothing I can do slows it down. It's not much more than a nuisance, but I'd still like to fix it. It does this about 90% of the time once it's warm.

The throttle cable appears slack enough at idle.

Thanks all.


sounds like you got a vacume leak. have you checked your carb boots with propane/starting fliud/oxygen (i recommend this one) afer it has been warmed up? how do plugs look? should have a lean looking plug if any of these are the problem. check the crank seals too while you at it.
All of the plugs are the same color. Carbs have been R/R. Everything looks right, it just won't idle dammit!


Am I the only one who has ever had this problem?
