I had the best mechanic in the county to install the tempaflow, but he still made errors, since he had not installed one of these before. He cut the tube that connects the outlet tube to the tempaflow with a fitting too short, the outlet tube itself too short, and he sat the needles on 2,5 instead of 3,5. It is 2,5 according to my yamaha book, which states that clip in middle position with one shim over and one under is 2,5. He should have sat it on the second uppermost with one shim over and one under.
Anyway, I was able to fix the short tube that attachs to the tempaflow, sat a longer one in there. But, I have no Idea how long the outlet tube from the tempaflow to the carb is supposed to be. Instructions state from 16 to 24 inches. This is a recently bought tempaflow, and when looking at srxdudes tempaflow install on his 99 srx I see that the tube is 30 inches long?
I read somewhere here that the length of the tube affects the tempaflow, so I need to know how long it is supposed to be?
Anyway, I was able to fix the short tube that attachs to the tempaflow, sat a longer one in there. But, I have no Idea how long the outlet tube from the tempaflow to the carb is supposed to be. Instructions state from 16 to 24 inches. This is a recently bought tempaflow, and when looking at srxdudes tempaflow install on his 99 srx I see that the tube is 30 inches long?
I read somewhere here that the length of the tube affects the tempaflow, so I need to know how long it is supposed to be?
this measurement has changed over the years within Holtzman's instructions.... when I installed TempaFlo in each of my sleds they called for 22-26 inches.... I left the hoses at 26 inches.... Later instructions from their site claim 16-24 inches.... SRXdudes instructions must have mentioned 30 inches somewhere....
just keep it at the length your instructions claim. (those that were in your box) and you'll be ok..... to be on the jetting SAFE side, keep this hose on the long side of their recomended slot size...
just keep it at the length your instructions claim. (those that were in your box) and you'll be ok..... to be on the jetting SAFE side, keep this hose on the long side of their recomended slot size...
Thanks, if a longer outlet tube makes it run richer, then it makes sense... Because if I can get "past" the needles without the dcs going off, then it takes some time on wot before the light comes on..
New member
You may want to check this out, 2nd uppermost? .....This is leaner than the middle clip since this will allow them to drop down more. Positon 3.5 is 4th clip groove down from top of needle, with shims top and bottom.He should have sat it on the second uppermost with one shim over and one under
You're probably right, the pic in the update book shows them upside down.
New member
When I installed my TempaFlow several years ago I just followed the directions exactly as they came in the box. I didn't touch the needles or any other jets other than to verify that they were still at the stock setting. All the instructions called for and all I did was change the main jets per their instructions. I've never had a problem with my installation (knock on wood).
New member
I believe the Viper airbox was vented differently that the older sleds. A buddy did his sxr completely different than my Viper. Follow the directions and all will be fine. You can call Barry Holtzman too, he is a pertty nice guy. By the way they work real well.