Rich is ripping you off!!!!!!

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New member
Dec 26, 2004
York, PA
DO NOT buy the LED tail lights from Rich motosports he is selling them EACH for $18.00 when you can go to Auto Zone and buy the EXACT same pack of bulbs 2 in a pack for $16.99
$36.00 for two LED bulbs i can not believe someone would doe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the mods do not let this up they are just as bad as Rich is
If you dont like his prices then dont buy from him, simple as that! I personally like dealing with Rich. I bought my bulbs at a auto parts store for $7 but you dont to see me or anybody else for that matter complaining about it! Grow up
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all dealers that sell things u can get a an auto parts store are always usaly more expencive, they dont have the luxury of buying in as big as bulk as the autoparts stores so there for tehy dont get as much off and to turn a profit they need to up the prices. i just bought a belt from rich and its a hell of a lot cheeper then if i was to buy one from the dealer here. i plan on goin threw him for alot more of the parts i need. if u think hes a rip of dont buy from him just liek i don buy from the dealer here unless theres nuttin i can do otehr wise. u dont like him dont buy from him u dont need to be running around running ur mouth
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terret725 said:
all dealers that sell things u can get a an auto parts store are always usaly more expencive, they dont have the luxury of buying in as big as bulk as the autoparts stores so there for tehy dont get as much off and to turn a profit they need to up the prices. i just bought a belt from rich and its a hell of a lot cheeper then if i was to buy one from the dealer here. i plan on goin threw him for alot more of the parts i need. if u think hes a rip of dont buy from him just liek i don buy from the dealer here unless theres nuttin i can do otehr wise. u dont like him dont buy from him u dont need to be running around running ur mouth

Yes i can understand someone making a profit,but give me a break if you cannot see that this is a rip off somethings got be wrong!!!!

Oh yes i would also expect all of the regular exhaust sniffers in here to run to his defence!!
Look at his other prices as well then!! Roetin Hornets 1.080 $275 from Roetin for 144. Rich price $161.20 for the same thing. Do the math! Look at other prices before you open your mouth. Seeing how you have less than 10 post look into it!! :Moon:
walking on VERY thin ice, especially given what Rich has gone thru in the last bit. If you are pissed that you paid a lousy dollar more for these bulbs to not have to leave your hours to go get them, when an order of studs or a track could save you HUNDREDS, you need to give your head a shake. I wont take this down, 'cause Rich hasn't done anything wrong, and you're making a fool of yourself.
i agree

if you don't like the price then don't buy them. i've bought alot of expensive stuff from rich and i'm not complaining. great guy to deal with ;)!
yamyrider said:
be careful...8 posts and you are bashing a site sponcer and well know person here. You are walking on thin ice.
A few years ago I used the autoparts store kind, and for some reason the heated grips stopped working on our viper is the wife's sled, so that made for a rotten days ride. I dont think 7 buck's is worth that. :o|
I bought expensive led tailites from bluhm enterprises. I paid the price because they are nicer than what is in the store. it was my choice. it is your choice to shop around. why cry that someone you DIDNT buy from DIDNT rip you off? I dont get your point :( havent ordered from rich, but I was about to and wasnt worried. just happened to find a great used track for a great deal. rich seems like a great guy to deal with and has a lot of happy customers. keep the deal coming rich :)
I have to agree with all the guys on here. Even with shipping to Canada all the things I got of Rich were all good prices, and an excellent guy to deal with.
I priced some stuff up with Rich a couple weeks ago and asked him what it would cost to ship to Canada. He actually gave me the number for a supplier he recommended in Canada and told me to say he sent me so I would save money on the shipping by not going across the border..... certainly not a guy who would be looking to rip anyone off. There isn't many people out there that care that much about thier customers, and I had never delt with him before..... he coulda made the sale and put a few bucks in his pocket but actually cared more about me savin a few bucks on shipping.....needless to say if I buy the parts, I'll prolly get em from him anyhow and pay the extra cash to have it sent over.
Snowball said:
DO NOT buy the LED tail lights from Rich motosports he is selling them EACH for $18.00 when you can go to Auto Zone and buy the EXACT same pack of bulbs 2 in a pack for $16.99
$36.00 for two LED bulbs i can not believe someone would doe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the mods do not let this up they are just as bad as Rich is

snowball, instead of sounding like an a$$hole(yes it does sound that way, if you dont believe me ask anyone on this site) why dont you in the future post a friendly thread like," I found a deal on led bulbs".

if you think rich is selling a product that is over priced, dont buy it. there is not one person on this board that has had a problem with rich.

if he is ripping us off, please expain how, where, when and who

by the way, all my stuff is overpriced too so dont bother asking for anything.

my vote is in for giving snowball the boot, no second chance.

a post like this is no accident, it was deliberate, malicious, and done with no respect to one of our sponsors in good standing. without he and many others this site would not exist.

I thought that this sort of thing was reserved for some of the other sites. Snowball I'm in the retail buisness and a high price is usually caused by one of two things.
1. You get what you pay for ( quality = pricey)
2. Don't get a good price on a line, can't give a good price on a line.

The price of one product does not speak for the company and you are not being fair to Rich. If you are not mature enough to make a post about a topic without being slanderous than maybe you shouldn't post at all.

My 2 cents
Well I'm usually not one to just jump on a band wagon but I've delt with Rich on a couple of things 1.heelclicker kit 2.quick adjuster ring for my shock preload and found the prices to be better than anywhere else I looked.Plus he's a site sponsor so I try to give as much business as my funds will allow to those that are sponsors and yes I did shop around so dont come on here and say we are patronizing someone only because their affliated here.

"Exhaust sniffers" that's a new one,this guys got a quick mind he should put it to good use.
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Snowball, you are an idiot! I've done business with Rich before, and he is great guy to work with. I purchased an expert from him, and he had no problem with me calling him for install advice, he even supplied me free of charge, templates that he personally made to make my install easier. Let me see you go to your auto parts store and ask the 16 year old kid working the counter install advice? maybe you don't need help for the bulbs, but its all relative. Last time I checked, this is a free country, nobody is forcing you to buy riches bulbs, but don't bash a guy for trying to make a profit. :Moon:
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