Finally Togeather 98 XTC Pics

Had a time...lost is getting stupid and so are the drivers in the city. am gonna miss her though ..probably will buy a supermoto or something.
yeah but the season is sooooo long compared to sleds, and dont have to wait for a groomer or a good base ;)
benderxtc700 said:
ya thats so true....will have another one in a couple years...just taking a break for a while...

what kind of exhaust is that on your bike? Do you still have the stock exhaust so that you could sell the aftermarket? I have an '02 and am looking for an exhaust.
its a high mount MIG...sounds awesome....pricey but one of the best looking and still retains your passenger pegs which very few other high mounts do.I have 3 guys interested in buying it right now..if they buy it without the pipe will let you know.
