Inch and a quarter track on viper ?


New member
Aug 13, 2003
:?: Going to add a 11/4" track to my 2002 Viper what is a good track and what else do I have to do to stud this track? I have herd people say that you have to use smaller drivers is that true?

smaller drivers or the track will rub on the exchanger protectors and tunnel protectors. Unstudded the protectors will have to be removed with stock drivers.
Can I remove the protectors and keep the stock drivers???
Or should I just use the 1-1/4" ? (was'nt planing on studding!)
i put a camo 9860(same as 9818) 1.25 track on my viper best thing you can do. Less hyfax wear also. all the yamaha guys i ride with have switched to that track now. excellent all round track.
I bought the ViperS this year with the 1.25 Ripsaw track, which does not come standard with tunnel protectors. According to my dealer who talked to a Yamaha Tech. this week, this sled can NOT be studded with this track due to clearance problems. I've been a loyall Yamaha owner for over 14 years now and really like their sleds, but this really pisses me off that they didn't change the drivers or tunnel to allow for more clearance so guys like me could still run studs. A buddy I ride with has a '02 800 Edge with the factory 1.25" track and he runs studs in his with no problems. Yamaha dropped the ball on this one. I ride in WI, a lot of our trails are icy so studs are a necessity. I really don't want to give up my new track, but I might be forced to if I want to still run studs.
11/4 Track

What size drivers should I get and where is a good place to get them? :shock:
8 tooth drivers are what you want and OEM are the best but Mountian Performance makes some good ones you may even want to try a extrovert drivers if you have open window track.
Remember to change your gearing when you change drivers!

you will also loose some top end because the track now has to be "folded" tighter as it goes around the new drivers, but I be extroverts and a real loose track could make up for some of that.

and yes, sounds like they real droped the ball if the "race sled" can't be studded
11/4 track

ok so if I change my drivers to 8 tooth I now have a higher gesar ratio and need to chang gears to get back to stock, What gears should i run? :?:
11/4 track

Ok track with every window open, 8 tooth extavert drivers, and a top gear that is two teeth bigger. Is there anything else i need?
OK, just so this is clear, if I want to keep the 1.25 Ripsaw track on my Viper S, all I need to do is go to 8" drivers and that will give me enough clearance? I read an article put out by Camoplast, they say this new track is really good, so I'd like to keep it if possible, but still run studs.
Taken from Maxximum Performance (

2004 Viper S Track Studding Kit

Here is a complete kit for those of you who have a new 2004 Viper S with the 1 1/4" Ripsaw track and want to run studs. The kit includes front and rear heat exchanger protectors, tunnel protectors, a set of 4 O.E.M. Yamaha 8 Tooth drivers (needed for clearance) and 2 gears for the chain case needed to correct the final drive ratio when running 8 tooth drivers. Everything you need in one kit. Comes complete with detailed instructions.

Yep, it's new this year, only because this is the first time Yamaha has offered a 1.25" track.........but they forgot to design it for those of us who like to run studs! So it looks like the new sled I ordered is now going to cost me another $330

guess no one said sledding is a cheap sport :lol:
my thoughts are that if you change the gears so you are back to the same ratio, the speedometer won't be affected.......but I might be wrong. Anyone else know? I've never changed drivers before, so I'm not sure.
