Inch and a quarter track on viper ?

I checked with a couple very reliable sources and they say that the speedometer WILL be affected by the smaller drivers. I'll keep my ears open, if I hear otherwise, I will keep you posted. The kit from Maxx Perf didn't mention anything about it, but I think I will call them tomorrow and talk to one of their techs.
gears do not affect the speedo no matter what, the speedo is driven on the drive shaft, after the gears, but smaller drivers will affect, maybe use a mountain speedo pickup to corect it?
I talked to the Tech at Maxx Perf today, I guess he's been meaning to track this question down about the speedo calibration when going to the 8 tooth drivers, but hadn't had time. He was going to try and check into it today and I will call him back this week and post what he says. My dealer is also looking into it as well, I'll keep you posted. The Mountain Viper uses 8 tooth drivers, so it might just be a swap of a part from one of them.
