SRV Lives and breaths
Well form the the directions that BETHEVIPER gave me
we swapped a couple of coolant connections and we let it warm up for 10 minutes after bleeding it, we took it for rip round the house for 10 minutes (before by this time it would over heat) then we drove for about 10 miles and it did not over heat
Now all we have is some clutching to do to get the revs down and then we will post some numbers the next time they bring the radar gun out. Oh and a new hood to take advantage of the dual head light.
Thank you again BETHEVIPER
Well form the the directions that BETHEVIPER gave me

Thank you again BETHEVIPER
New member
mrviper700 said:The exh port is ALOT longer on the srx then a viper and youd need to make adapters so the viper exh port would be the same length as the srx cylinders, or it will be running ALOT more then 86/8700rpm, more like 9400+ rpm and will not make very good power as your moving everything way up too high in rpm, the pipes only work till 8650rpm on a srx, and your srx cdi retards the timing too much to run it at high the higher rpm.
Do the math.
Difference in port length is 30mm.
you might get it as high as 9400 if you ported it to 210 degrees duration before you put it back together.
And you're talking about how much shorter the viper port is, then you go and say this? "the pipes only work till 8650rpm in an SRX"
if you're trying to mislead people, you're doing a great job.
Counting the extra 1.5 degrees of port duration on the viper it's about 150rpm higher.
Junior, junior, Junior, when will you ever learn
Since you mentioned it, you must know all the information, please post your finding for everyone to see!!!!! LMAO!!!
1.) have you ever degreed a viper engine??, then a srx??? obviously not, theres alot more then 1.5 degrees in both the exh port and the transfer you know what the blowdown timing is for each? do you know what increased transfer timing does to rpm range on a 2 stroke engine? maybe one should go out and buy a degree wheel and learn how to use it before posting and placing foot in mouth. (By the way you need this information in order to calculate the formula below and to know what rpm the engine will run at).
2.) 30mm shorter exh pipe only goes to 9400rpm???? about you go out and cut 30mm out of your srx pipes and see if it makes power anymore where your "math" says it does. And since you mentioned it do you know how many mm a stock srx pipe is? I do.
heres the formula you must have used :
Please post all your findings, I anxiously await you to take me to school, since all I do is mislead people.
Since you mentioned it, you must know all the information, please post your finding for everyone to see!!!!! LMAO!!!
1.) have you ever degreed a viper engine??, then a srx??? obviously not, theres alot more then 1.5 degrees in both the exh port and the transfer you know what the blowdown timing is for each? do you know what increased transfer timing does to rpm range on a 2 stroke engine? maybe one should go out and buy a degree wheel and learn how to use it before posting and placing foot in mouth. (By the way you need this information in order to calculate the formula below and to know what rpm the engine will run at).
2.) 30mm shorter exh pipe only goes to 9400rpm???? about you go out and cut 30mm out of your srx pipes and see if it makes power anymore where your "math" says it does. And since you mentioned it do you know how many mm a stock srx pipe is? I do.
heres the formula you must have used :
Please post all your findings, I anxiously await you to take me to school, since all I do is mislead people.

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New member
3* difference between a viper and a newer SRX (that'd be 1.5* earlier port opening) viper opening around 89, and SRX around 90.5* atdc.
SRX pipe length: you'll probably have a number between 990mm and 1m, then about 100-125mm for the downpipes, then 62mm for the port, total length of about 1175mm
so in that wonderfull formula of yours, what value do you use for mach?
SRX pipe length: you'll probably have a number between 990mm and 1m, then about 100-125mm for the downpipes, then 62mm for the port, total length of about 1175mm
so in that wonderfull formula of yours, what value do you use for mach?
ummmm better go do your math again, your not even close. I already knew you have never degreed a viper or srx engine your 9 degrees off on your dont even mention the transfer
BTW- I will give you a hint because I feel sorry for you, your pipe length goes from the piston face to half the rear cone.
your wooden ruler isnt cutting it here....
BTW- I will give you a hint because I feel sorry for you, your pipe length goes from the piston face to half the rear cone.
your wooden ruler isnt cutting it here....
New member
mrviper700 said:ummmm better go do your math again, your not even close. I already knew you have never degreed a viper or srx engine your 9 degrees off on your dont even mention the transfer
BTW- I will give you a hint because I feel sorry for you, your pipe length goes from the piston face to half the rear cone.
your wooden ruler isnt cutting it here....
if you awnt your powerband accurate to the middle of the powerband, sure it does.
if you think it's wrong, you better invest in a calculator, or some glasses.
transfer timing is 2 degrees duration different on between the motors.
wooden ruler huh? where did you learn how to calculate the tuned length on a spanny? you still haven't answered the question about what you're using for mach.
Junior, I dont think your wrong...................I KNOW your wrong.
I gave you a old basic idea formula, it was given to you as a basic rule, since you need help understanding this. I dont believe you could comprehend the actual formulas you need to use, theres at least 4 or 5 you need to make a pipe, and you DONT have correct engine information to apply to them to come up with a actual number. Better try 5 degrees differance in transfer timing, again you have NEVER degreed one obviously.
wow, wrong exh opening, duration, coupled with wrong transfer duration= wrong engine rpm/wrong pipe information
Buy A. Grahm Bells 2 stroke performance tuning and read it.
Then buy TSR pipe 2000 software, engine software, head software, port2000 software and learn how to use it, then get back to me.
I have already proven my point, you have NEVER degreed a viper or srx engine out and without knowing that information, you couldnt even GUESS at what rpm a engine is going to run at. Let alone whats gonna happen when you shorten the header the differance between a srx and a viper cylinder....BTW, since i still feel sorry for you, the more you shorten the header pipe, the higher the rpm of the pipe
This is just another post where you spouted off and couldnt back it up, just like you did when you thought you could BS your way thru 800's custom tripple motor post, you knew all about the case volumes and such, till you got called on it, "well they looked differnt"....."never actually measured them" LMAO!
I gave you a old basic idea formula, it was given to you as a basic rule, since you need help understanding this. I dont believe you could comprehend the actual formulas you need to use, theres at least 4 or 5 you need to make a pipe, and you DONT have correct engine information to apply to them to come up with a actual number. Better try 5 degrees differance in transfer timing, again you have NEVER degreed one obviously.
wow, wrong exh opening, duration, coupled with wrong transfer duration= wrong engine rpm/wrong pipe information
Buy A. Grahm Bells 2 stroke performance tuning and read it.
Then buy TSR pipe 2000 software, engine software, head software, port2000 software and learn how to use it, then get back to me.
I have already proven my point, you have NEVER degreed a viper or srx engine out and without knowing that information, you couldnt even GUESS at what rpm a engine is going to run at. Let alone whats gonna happen when you shorten the header the differance between a srx and a viper cylinder....BTW, since i still feel sorry for you, the more you shorten the header pipe, the higher the rpm of the pipe
This is just another post where you spouted off and couldnt back it up, just like you did when you thought you could BS your way thru 800's custom tripple motor post, you knew all about the case volumes and such, till you got called on it, "well they looked differnt"....."never actually measured them" LMAO!
New member
mrviper700 said:Junior, I dont think your wrong...................I KNOW your wrong.
I gave you a old basic idea formula, it was given to you as a basic rule, since you need help understanding this. I dont believe you could comprehend the actual formulas you need to use, theres at least 4 or 5 you need to make a pipe, and you DONT have correct engine information to apply to them to come up with a actual number. Better try 5 degrees differance in transfer timing, again you have NEVER degreed one obviously.
wow, wrong exh opening, duration, coupled with wrong transfer duration= wrong engine rpm/wrong pipe information
Buy A. Grahm Bells 2 stroke performance tuning and read it.
Then buy TSR pipe 2000 software, engine software, head software, port2000 software and learn how to use it, then get back to me.
I have already proven my point, you have NEVER degreed a viper or srx engine out and without knowing that information, you couldnt even GUESS at what rpm a engine is going to run at. Let alone whats gonna happen when you shorten the header the differance between a srx and a viper cylinder....BTW, since i still feel sorry for you, the more you shorten the header pipe, the higher the rpm of the pipe
This is just another post where you spouted off and couldnt back it up, just like you did when you thought you could BS your way thru 800's custom tripple motor post, you knew all about the case volumes and such, till you got called on it, "well they looked differnt"....."never actually measured them" LMAO!
I tell you what, I"ll buy yer $20 special book, and you buy Prof. Gordon Blairs "design and simulation of 2-stroke engines" you read that and get back to me.
no shit the more you shorten the header pipe the higher rpm, lol
so I suppose you've measured the primary compression ratio on the 600 twin (or anything for that matter?) I stand by what I said in that one, but I backed down because I have alot of respect for 800, and just about any failure in a motor can be made up elsewhere, what that motor lacks in primary compression ratio it might well make up in scavenge ration, but I've never measured it, since i don't have the tooling (or a spare 5 grand to make it) so I couldn't tell you, but I imagine you wouldn't be able to give me any definate answers either. If you CAN tell me what the scavenge ratio difference is I'll give you some respect since you've obviosly read more and invested more than I give you credit for.
if you have software to help you design pipes, you should know better than to think that 30mm will make that huge a difference.
piston height = (rod length) + (Throw length)*(1-cos(theta degrees ATDC))-(sqrt((rodlength)^2)-((throw length)*(SIN theta degrees ATDC)^2))
now, tell me what degree a port that opens at 30.5mm ATDC opens at, and what degree one that opens 31.5ATDC opens at.
anyways, I'll order your book.
hey guys, this is kinda funny to watch because he installed this motor with the stock viper exhaust. his rpm problem is caused by alot of stock parts from a couple sleds, he didnt have the clutch from the viper.
come on now guys, pucker up and make up.
come on now guys, pucker up and make up.
New member
ya, I think it's funny 'cause it's already long since done, and still here we are. I'll gladly pucker up and make up, but I've tried it before enough times that I've given up.
anyways, it's good to see another SRX/Viper hybrid eh man? is yours still kicking around or did it sell?
anyways, it's good to see another SRX/Viper hybrid eh man? is yours still kicking around or did it sell?
New member
BenderSRX said:We want to get this back on the snow as soon as possible. its already been down since the weekend. We do have everything to do this conversion. The 1999 srx i think came stock with around 138HP the Viper stock is 125HP and with the srx tripples we were thinking it would add maybe 10HP which is pretty close to a stock SRX. Has anyone successfully installed the viper motor in a SRX.
stock viper is 119.6hp
TimeBomb said:stock viper is 119.6hp
yes but dont dont the forced air give it about 5 hp more when in speed? but for him with srx hood only 119.6..
many issues this fall cause a lack of time and ambition on the part of my builder. i had my sled sold i thought but the guy backed out. in the mean time i never listed it for sale locally or put it out front of the shop till the fall when gas was 3$ a gallon and no one was selling sleds. ive decided i will just ride it this year and treat it as i am keeping it.
i am selling the crome front end if you would like to make that sled of yours pretty.
525 shipped
i am selling the crome front end if you would like to make that sled of yours pretty.
525 shipped
New member
POWERPACK said:yes but dont dont the forced air give it about 5 hp more when in speed? but for him with srx hood only 119.6..
i dunno, i don't think that "forced air induction" gives it anything to be honest with ya