srx vs f3 800

well i can tell ya this i have the proof i didnt post how my sled was the fastest out of 5 or 6 with nothing to back it up ill tell ya what maybe this guy will come back on saturday and win maybe he will lose just as bad as he did last week but if he does win im not gonna cry about it i will have videos how many would you like

Equalizer said:
Actually, I'd say that it was too bad the Skidoo blew the belt as I'd really liked to have seen how his sled performed.
I sure as H** wouldn't be bragging about it and posting videos. :o|
can you read? i was asked to post the video if you wanna get pissed yell at the one who asked for it
btw if i lose to a yamaha this weekend and post the video is there gonna be a problem with that one? or is it just when the yamaha loses
or if a cat beats my srx is there gonna be a big pissing match on that topic aswell it dosnt bother me if i win or lose im still enjoying the sport lighten up a bit
jamesfiii800 said:
well i can tell ya this i have the proof i didnt post how my sled was the fastest out of 5 or 6 with nothing to back it up ill tell ya what maybe this guy will come back on saturday and win maybe he will lose just as bad as he did last week but if he does win im not gonna cry about it i will have videos how many would you like
Wow, that was a long sentence. Ummm.....lets see, 11 races, I'd like to see 11 videos.

Actually, if you would have read the entire thread you would have seen where I said that the sleds I was racing were stock [with the exception of the 2nd F7 that had some clutch work done].You also would have noticed that my 7 year old SRX has lower gearing and clutch work, and that first place was a virtual tie between my geared/clutched SRX and a stock 05' RX1 and a stock Appex.
i bought a new cam on the way to the races i didnt however buy a memory card 1 race was all the cams interenal memory would store like i said this weekend ill have a sd card
You keep talking about how you're not bashing Yamaha's. Then why do you write "POS yamaha" instead of just "Yamaha"??? I consider that a bash. If I call you a POS isn't that bashing a member?? I don't see the difference.....and for the record I'm not calling you a POS.....but I'm really close. #$%&* #$%&* You sure do talk big when you're hiding behind a computer screen. I'd like to see you line up with some of the SRX's on this forum.

my rant is over. ;):D
jamesfiii800 said:
why read it if its making you that sick its really not that hard to skip the thread is it

It's harder to skip the thread if it's always atop the forum page. Why stir the pot??
guys, I'm not gonna ban him and I"m not gonna close this. Fact of the matter is that he's just teasing, and pushing the envelope of the rules, nomatter where the rules are set, he'll find an offensive way to push them, and if it isn't him, it'll be somebody else.

we all know that the SRX popped a belt/chain/didn't hook, and the doo won, I don't think anyone particularily cares, and he's right, a win is a win is a win, god knows we've collected alot of wins against doo's for DNF's aswell. The point he's trying to make (that some of us aren't getting) is to not get our panty's in a bunch over dumb crap like this. today a doo wins, yay, cheers to the victory, good/lucky racer claimed the win (and good and lucky are really the same thing) and somebody had a bad day and lost, that's part of competition is that someone has to come second.

somebody give me a hard rule that was broken and I'll consider taking action on it, otherwise, don't feed the troll.

BESIDES, we all know that he needs this site to get his sled running way more than many of us!
Dude. Ok you beat an srx that was poorly set up. The only thing that pi$$es me and alot of other guys off is your attitude. I have read your other posts. We really don't need the attitude on this site. You can go to hcs or dootalk and get that any time of the day 7 days a week. We all bleed blue here, that's why we are on TY.
Just curious, how old are you james?
Hey james...Do you own a three wheeler to?. Please tell me thats not you over on 3 Wheeler world starting with those guys to?..His name is james and he is also from upstate ny. Is that you?
im not on the 3 wheeler forum and i dont think i have an attitude you guys are the ones bitchin about it and i didnt call the yamaha a pos i said if i did that would be bashing ill run anyone of you guys just like i would run any doo with my srx because i am old enough to know losing isnt the worst thing ya win some you lose some so how old are you guys?
