Looking for pictures of Vmax 540's


Active member
Apr 7, 2004
Val Caron, Ontario
Can you please post some pics of VMax 540's, any year. Thanks alot in advance. They are quite hard to find on the net.

Pics from the 85 and up Vmax 540's. I'm looking for pics of the years with the checkered seats. I'd apprecaite it.
what are you planning to do with them? (how high of dpi do you want?) i hadnt realized that the pictures on vintagevmax.com were soooo bad... i dont know what happened... ive made so many different versions of that site in the past years that something must have went wrong along the lines.... and i scanned those pics before i really knew what i was doing.. in like 2001 or something.... im probably going to my uncles(chucks) tonight so ill get him to find the brocures those pics were scanned out of... let me know if you want to print those pictures or just for a website or what that way i can scan them accordingly(im a graphic designer by trade)...

now im getting off subject, but since i am a graphic designer, watch in the near future for my hybrid SRX 540 graphics im attempting to make:)
I'm not overly concerned with super high quality. If it's good enough to throw onto a desktop and be nice and clear, it would be good enough. Thanks.
gotcha ill make you some 1024x768 ish scans tonight(with any luck)... ive been wanting to actually put a section on www.vintagevmax.com for backgrounds/ wallpapers and such but never got to it.. maybe this will be a start....... upon looking through chucks stuff for you i found some awesome info about the 82 vmax that will be coming very soon also, with great pictures of it
