Whats the Highest Mileage 4 Stroke So Far


VIP Member
Nov 10, 2005
Ottawa Ontario
Whats the Overall Highest Mileage 4 Stroke Seen So Far

Hey everyone just wondering what kind of mileage the 4 strokes are getting so far. What have you heard or seen. ;)!
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Thanks 2000srx thats what i meant to say i edited the title. I heard of a 2003 Rx1 with 54000kms 32400miles. (don't know if it is true or not) If that is the kind of mileage coming from theses 4 strokes :WayCool: Wow i might be getting a new sled next year. :WayCool:
I saw an RX Warrior come in at the local dealer with 19,800 miles - sled was still clean and I started it up and it sounded like any other. Good maintenance makes a big difference.
Met a guy in Val Dor Quebec 2 years ago had a little more then 35 000 miles on his 03 RX1 pretty sure his name was New England Bob. Had an M10 on it though there is no way you can do that kinda mileage on a stock skid.
with the rx1/ apex being r1 based, I wouldn't be shocked if I saw yami 4 strokes with 100,000 miles with minimal repairs.
Geez, I got 25,000km on my 2 stroke Polaris XLT (motor untouched), so I hope they are good for at least twice that, lol.
YamerDown said:
Geez, I got 25,000km on my 2 stroke Polaris XLT (motor untouched), so I hope they are good for at least twice that, lol.

LOL, yeah, you would hope all that extra weight actually makes them more reliable. :bump:
YamerDown said:
Geez, I got 25,000km on my 2 stroke Polaris XLT (motor untouched), so I hope they are good for at least twice that, lol.
[size=+1]25[size=-2] [/size]000 kilometers = 15[size=-2] [/size]534.2798 miles

not bad!
Holy *&*^% Yammer thats alot of kms on that sled whith out touching it, My roomate had a 93 xlt and he rebuilt it 2 times the previous own did it once and it could not be rebuilt anymore without new cylinders because it was overboard to the MAX and the sled had 10 000 on the clock. I thought all polaris were in Miles i know my 1993 indy 500 classic was in Miles.
The only way a POLARIS could ever see that kind of mileage is if he had a yamaha motor stuffed under the hood. LMAO
you need to post this on the 4 stroke side, i remember reading about a guy in northern maine last year that broke 20000 miles on his vector and was headed for 25 last year who knows whats been put on so far. as there has been plenty of snow there so far.
Blue4U said:
The only way a POLARIS could ever see that kind of mileage is if he had a yamaha motor stuffed under the hood. LMAO

or just run a polaris motor....

I know this is a yammy site, but really......
AGREE............Hee Hee.......!!!

Trailer miles ................... LMAO :rofl: :rofl:

Sadly, that is true too............only way a "POO laris" motor would have that many miles without getting "wrenched" on !!!!

Who can argue with Yammi's motor depedability.......... :letitsnow
racerrob6m said:
Trailer miles ................... LMAO :rofl: :rofl:

Sadly, that is true too............only way a "POO laris" motor would have that many miles without getting "wrenched" on !!!!

Who can argue with Yammi's motor depedability.......... :letitsnow

Have a friend with an indy 650 that has 24,000 miles on it and never been apart, believe it. The Fuji triples were a good motor. Not trying to go to bat for polaris here but it impressed me and the thing is still going strong!!
