Simons Cpr triples?

I think you'll find most mountain riders recomend the SLP's preferablely ceramic coated. Fit and finish is good and they are pretty quite, although in the hills it isn't really a problem. I'm quite happy with mine although they are not coated.
Only dislike is the amount of heat they make. SLP's jetting seems to work pretty well.
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I love the sound of my Bender can and have had many comments about how good it sounds, i have heard a few others and i like mine better, Between my buddies Viper and mine, the bender does sound a little bit more agressive. I will try and get sound clips of both, His might be hard because i think its been put away for the winter, I have not put mine away yet because i live on a River and there is still ice on there for one last little rip tonight and will be putting it away for the winter this week end.
redsnake3 said:
actually if you look at the pic you can see the pipe "lay" over the side of the mag cylinder.

The pipe only slightly overlaps the head.....I have had no cooling problems what-so-ever. I have ran WOT pulls well over a mile with no overheating

I ride with a group of about 10 mtn viper here in Idaho. We've got haucks/simons cpr, aaens, benders, slps, speedwerx. These are on sleds with 144's up through 162's. The guy with speedwerx just switched to simons, his brother has the slps and is looking for a set of simons, and the guy with benders is looking for a set of simons, the other six all have the simons and are very happy with them. Everyone brags and brags on the slps, but I wasn't too impressed with them on the one sled that has them, granted he's not much of a tuner, but we've tried to help him out as much as we can. My vote goes to simons, hands down!
My .02
Also as far as jetting is required I know each company has their own charts on how to set up your machine with their pipes but what if you have the ATACC system? Will that system adjust everything for you with the new pipes?
I don't know about the aaean viper pipes but when aaean made them for the sxr's he recomened that you didn't ride in powder with them because they would crack so if the viper pipes are made just as thin I would stay away from the aaen's if your going to be mountain riding but if your just riding trails then I guess it dosen't matter.
actually that isnt true...he recommended a heat wrap where one of the pipes expansion chamber area was directly behind the grill in the nose...and with any pipe that comes that close to the nose grill (design) should be wrapped or coated...
sj that what olav aaen told my buddy when he bought the pipes at the milwaulkee sno show I was standing right there when he said that himself.
Of course I cant challenge what you say he said...for all i know the old guy had a few too many buds...but,If you read his written instructions,they talk about high temp pipe wrap for powder riding and even give a part number..
also I've heard of other pipes splitting from powder contact when hot...
the aaen's are definately a lot thinner than the rest, no doubt about that. I had some problems with the non-pv triple pipes cracking.
