picked up a 82 ss 440 today


New member
Sep 29, 2005
berkshire mass
fist of all it was way out in easy bum fanuck. i thought i lived in the country buy was a wrong this place made my town look liek new yorck city compared to it. pick the sled up and its just on teh side of teh road in a scrap pile. get it all loaded up guy said he had it running in november so i fgured it wouldnt be a problem to get it running. so after we get goin down teh road we notced the hood wasnt atached and didnt want it flying off so we stoped to tie it down and decided to pull it over and nuttin. stuck all siezed up. then we look at the skid. teh guy must ahve never put hyfax on teh rails are almost warn threw. im not even sure ill be able to but any new sleds back on and get them to hold. i know i got it for free but i wsnt exspecting a project this big. any one have any ideas where i should start with teh motor. i was thinking starting with some WD40 down teh spak plug hols to get it to lossen up and maybe in the intake. and what should i do about teh rails otehr then buying new ones? i looking to spend $0 on it i got it just to beat the crap out of when theres not enough snow to ride my other sled.

well got the motor runing for a compleat 45 seconds befor my bro broke the trottle cable. looks like the hyfax goes inside so we might bebale to get away with out having to change the rails cause theres the grove up font thast fine then teh ware stop right at the bend in the rail then its prety meaty the rest of teh way back so it should hold enough just to beat on.

my first chugger a dream come ture lol
