Trailing arm bushing removal ?


New member
Dec 25, 2005
S Ont
How in the H*ll do you get the bushing out of the rear of the trailing arm where it connects to the tunnel? I tried driving it out with a socket, but afraid if I hit it any harder I will deform the arm itself. With the wall thickness of these arms, I'm thinkin a BFH may not be the right answer. I did a search, and someone said cut it out with a grinder, but I don't see how you could get in there with a grinder? Or does it need to be pressed out?
New to these trailing arm sleds, too many years on Cats I guess!
Also, anybody ever powder coat there trailing arms?
I can get a deal. so thinking of doing the shock springs, steering arms and trailing arms. I'm guessing I'd have to clean out where the bushings go after powdercoating, or do they have a means of "plugging" these holes off?
When I removed mine,I used a cutoff wheel and made a cut right across the outside of the bushing mount. This relieved the fit enough to tap the bushing out with a properly sized socke. Had to use a press to reinstall in the new arm. Just be careful not to cut to deep or you will damage the bushing!

while Dave's method works great for a FUBAR'd arm, it won't do you much good if you want to re-use the arm after you put all that pretty powder coating on there. I used an arbor press to get mine out. 99% sure you won't get it with the socket and hammer. The hole will need to be pluged or taped(special high heat tape) and make sure you take the grease zerk out and that they plug that hole. Any over coat in the bushing areas can be removed with any dremel like tool with the drum sander thingy.
yeah, use a press and windex for lube. i used the hammer method on a poo and i lost my thumbnail for 6 months! a full force 24 oz ball peen blow square to the thumb hurts so bad it will make you nautious!
Haha, yeah been there, done that with a 4 pounder, no fun at all!
Thanks guys, I'll use the press method. ;)!
I used a Roto zip, removed the rubber part, used a little hack saw blade & just cut the metal part of bushing then just popped out! I just smashed my thumb last weekend building a deck! I rolled on the ground for 15 min! I usually pass out real easy but I guess laying down so fast let me enjoy all the pain!


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Yup,I used a hacksaw blade to cut the metal and rubber of the bushing.Used a vice ,socket to push her out. Of course had to use something the same diameter of the trailing arm on the other side so that the bushing would slide out into,worked well. Same thing when putting new one in,pressed it in with a big friggin vice,no smashing of fingers here...oh no.,not here.
kysledneck said:
I used a Roto zip, removed the rubber part, used a little hack saw blade & just cut the metal part of bushing then just popped out! I just smashed my thumb last weekend building a deck! I rolled on the ground for 15 min! I usually pass out real easy but I guess laying down so fast let me enjoy all the pain!

wow that's, yea i do what ding suggested which is using a big socket and then a socket about the same size as the bushing along with a vice to push the bushing through the trailing arm into the big socket. Definately a tight press fit.
yamaholic22 said:
wow that's, yea i do what ding suggested which is using a big socket and then a socket about the same size as the bushing along with a vice to push the bushing through the trailing arm into the big socket. Definately a tight press fit.
OH yea there was rubber everywhere! But it ziped it right out!
