gas milage v max

It is a 500 liquid - like the other 500 & 600's discussed here.
along with my srx i have an old xlv 540 man are those things thirsty 8mpg easy riding , and if im not mistaken don't a faulty oil pump go to full stroke. maybe tnat might explain excessive ooil consumption.
the only time i ever saw a 600 twin git 14 miles to the gallon was when it ran behind a groomer all day!
I have a 98 twin 600 and 500 as well as a 01 triple 700. The 98 twins are lucky to get 8 mpg. the 01 triple gets 13-14. My father has 2 01 triples, a 600 and a 700. they both get 13-14 mph
Try raising the needle clip (leaner) one position, it helped the mileage by 2 mpg on both my 94 and 95 Vmax 600's.
My dads 94 600 got right around 8-9 and my 88 570 got about the same. My 02 SRX gets between 10-12 and his Viper gets 9-11. None of ours sleds are riden easy unless the trail is for crap. Even my mom on her Warrior gets 10-12, she stays right with us most of the time.
The tempaflow senses temperature change and leans your mixture accordingly. You tune it to cardboard brown spark plugs and forget it.

A buddy put one on his stock SRX, and did a best of 21mpg during easy steady speed riding. Another buddy, who weighed 400+ pounds, pulled 17mpg during some hard riding on his stock SXR700. These things work!
Does it ever lean it to much so that it melts down a piston if the temperature is wrong? I have no idea what these things are...
redrx1 said:
I have a 98 twin 600 and 500 as well as a 01 triple 700. The 98 twins are lucky to get 8 mpg.


well i must be lucky then because my stock xtc6 i can get 10-12 depending
on conditions, it's acually pretty good...

you gota keep the throttle off the handle bar...........

the wifes '01 dlx5 is good too.
clutching is the trick.....take for instance the 600 srx I I swear It was only getting 12.5 to 13.4 maybe 14...even tried changing the jetts. I sold it to my brother and he put a bender clutch kit on it and the milage jumped to 17+ no bull...he took my 2001 srx and his 600 srx to the north country with his wife and kids.....came back and asked me why the 700 so was bad on gas and I know its averaging 12.5 to 14... go figure.... I would like to know what the exact set of the the 600 with twin because I sold/gave my brother my 600 xt and if you can get it to be that good then I would like to copy the set up....that way he can run both his 600xt and the 600 srx and not be asking to borrow my srx when he is in the north country...also are you calculating on U.S gallons or imp gallons. ????
My sled doesn't get that good of mileage even when trailered. I've been happy with the 10-13 that I get. Never heard of much better in the model of mine. Granted the older vmax's like mine had what the mechanics "call a little bit of a weight problem...."
Gas Mileage

I had a 1997 V MAX XTC 600 that got terrible gas mileage. I only got about 80 miles per tank, I changed the nozzels and needles in the carbs. and increased my range to about 120 miles per tank. The gas mileage seemed to get worse after 4000 miles that when I chaned the nozzels and needles, just my two cents worth. Yammi Nut
