The Breakdown on oil

Hey KAPUSTA,,,,, One of the byproducts of COMBUSTION is WATER ( moisture)...It SUPPOSED TO SMOKE,,, ESPECIALLY ON COLD START UP,, Don't let SMOKE bother you!!!!! Oils that DON"T SMOKE are the ones that you have to KEEP AWAY FROM...
You would have to look in the archives and find some of my AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION fluid posts to better understand the "function" of the "unburned" and also "vaporization" characteristics of 2 stroke oils and the introduction of emmolients and surfactants and scrubbers to better understand WHY oil supposed to smoke and EXACTLY what the smoke is good for... Don't be so ALARMED... If an oil DOESNT smoke,, I'd be worried about it's ability to vaporize and it's threat on MURDERING spark plugs!!!!
Amsoil's a GREAT PRODUCT and SLEDDHEADD comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (by myself) as SOMEONE who is EDUCATED on the product.. I have ISSUES (to say the least) with amsoil corporate,,,but,,, that says NOTHING about the product... I have WAY BIGGER ISSUES with WALMART than AMSOIL!!!! If you are thinking about making the "plunge" into the synthetic oil,,, HE'D be HAPPY YOU DID!!!! ME TOO!!!
I run interceptor in ALL my sleds,PV's or not, int. has more detergent add's in it so it'll keep your internals cleaner,thats why it's recommended for pv sleds

int. is one of the great oil's,but with any oil, fuel/oil ratio is key,ran it for the first time all last year and so far so good,smell could be a little better tho..
