What have you broken on your body?

I broke my nose when i fell off my bike as a kid and back in early march i broke my left wrist and now have two plates and a bunch of screws in that wrist.

ModMMax said:
Fractured my skull in a sled crash in 1992. Totalled a 1989 phaser. Broke collarbone in 1995. Totalled a 1986 phaser. Broke my leg in 1996. Totalled a 1994 Vmax. Tore right shoulder in 2005. Sled lived. Had to duct tape my hand to the grip to get out of the mountains. Hurt some. Had re-constructive surgery March 2006. Bring on winter.

"Had to duct tape my hand to the grip to get out of the mountains."

wow thats crazy.....
Broke my nose after shutting my finger in the tire carrier of my bronco, walked up stairs, passed out on my way into the dining room, landed face first.

Hyperextended my elbow playing outside linebacker in high school

Dislocate my shoulder 100's of times a day. (no exaggeration, chronic dislocation due to incredibly loose tendons).

No broken bones though ;)
Broke my back in 3 places. All 3 were lumbar vertabrae. Came off my sled at 20 mph in an icy turn and went horizontal into a tree. Tek-Vest for me too now. I'll post a picture soon.
