TY race

  • Thread starter Thread starter jtssrx
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We just need to find a central spot!!!! It could be a blast!!!
How about Texas?

Completely inconvenient for everyone on the board and none of the locals will understand what our machines are all about.
but the main thing i need to race a sertin sombody i will not say who ;)
i need to race in in 2 to 3 feet of deep snow for at least 1300 feet or even 3000 feet
so were can we have that ... hope its were he can aford to go ...
and for money or pink slips,,, just hope he owns the sled ..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

we need to get prices and stuff
make it a weekend thing like haydays also on snow and ice and deep snow...
but for all the tyers... and shood have little kids races too .. im all for it jason if you need help to get it going just ask i will do what i can
ok thnx marc :wink:
We have some Great runs @ the airport in Grand Marais Mi. Mid March will get ya 4'-5' of snow pack plus what ever falls fresh, Lots of unknowing trail-rider victims to boot. 660' to 1 mile for you to pick your poison. Get B2SO to bring his radar gun for fun or maybe setup a early January test & tune. Bushman
500 ft on grass or ice works for me! We're going to have to implement some kind of rules or is this just going to go to whoever can cheat the best? Should really have it on the snow sometime this winter. Just some friendly grudge matches sound like fun, don't get money involved becuase then everyone starts to get pissed at everyone eles. Now I just have to figure out where I put that little blue bottle :twisted:
nobody races 500 feet on ice what you somkin

660 or 1500 or 2500 ice is
never was 500 and never will

the only reason isr went to 500 grass fro insurance and shut down sleds were getting too fast in 660

but hey i will race you with a rx1 in 500 ice shure


i will do your500 foot race ,then you do mine
2000 feet side by side
I gotta go with SRXXTREEM.
Northern Ontario si where it's at.
it's been really cold so ice conditions are great.
We have snow but not lots of it.
Weather man says to expect more on the weekend.
