How many yamaha sleds have you owned?

80 Exciter 440
79 Polaris colt 340
81 Pantera 500 ( Blew it up twice)
75 MERCURY trail twister 440 ( got stolen)
76 MERCURY trail twister 440( Blew up alot)
82 Exciter SS 440
81 Exciter 440
96 V-Max XT ( still have)
02 VIPER 700 ( my baby)
I think that's it!!
1998 SRX 700.

Paid $2000 for it with an M-10 with the rear shock shot, 2 power valves STUCK, clutches WAY out of allignment, left front shock bracket filpped, right one not, (sat real funny), carbs all messed up(fuel screws, needles AND mains), and probably a bunch of other things outta whack that I can't think of now.

God Bless all of you great individuals on this site for helpin a first time Yamaha owner get his sled to where it should be. LEADING THE PACK!!!
new 1989 phazer 1989 srv 1991 phazer somwhere i owned a vmax 540 1993 exciter sx 1997 sx700 my favorite, 2005 rx1 not sure on yet only got to try it once also a 1992 exciter sold it before i tried it many other brands but my computer would catch fire if i printed them out
rode a 81 excell III and 91 phazer II of my parents when i was younger.
1st sled i owned myself was a 94 vmax 600(sold), then onto 02 Viper(still have, for sale), 07 attak(sold), 05 rx1 (current sled)
2007 Attak ( Supercharged )
2006 Apex RTX
2000 SXr 700 ( Modded )
1993 Exciter SX (Modded )
1991 Exciter II
1986 Phazer
Total: 6

I've never owned any other brand of sled. ( And don't care to either. ) Been Yamaha since day one!!!
'73 Evinrude '71 doo '74 VIP Cat '80 polaris Tx '80 El Tigre '80 Srx '79 Enticer '86 Srv '87 exciter '96 Vmax xt another '96 Vmax xt '04 warrior '07 Rage
current project sleds are '74 Evinrude Rc trailblazer '70 Yamaha ss396 '74 Evinrude Bobcat
I sold 7 last year, don't even want to think of how many over the years. Cylinder index is currently at 72, down from 102, am hoping to lose another 19 this year.
