Edge suspension is in!!!

Wow that is a light skid, the mono shock is 56lbs with the Cb perf alum parts you can get it down to 50lbs even.

I would have liked to drop another 7lbs!
as soon as i get the rails back from the powdercoaters ill throw my pro x skid on a scale. im pretty sure its lighter than an edge. i can walk around with it in one arm, my pro action is definatly a two armer!
n2oiroc said:
as soon as i get the rails back from the powdercoaters ill throw my pro x skid on a scale. im pretty sure its lighter than an edge. i can walk around with it in one arm, my pro action is definatly a two armer!

Really, you think the Pro-X is lighter than the edge? I thought the Pro-X would be heavier with the beefier rails on it than the edge.
yamaholic22 said:
Really, you think the Pro-X is lighter than the edge? I thought the Pro-X would be heavier with the beefier rails on it than the edge.
it sure feels lighter than 68lbs. then again, im totally ripped, so it could just be my incredible strength making it seem lighter than it is. :rofl:
LOL Let us know, maybe I'll throw a quick 'shopping guide' together for all the different skids and weights. I know when I latched on to the edge I was surprised at the heft. Course I'm not a ripped muscle man like N2oiroc! haha
kinger said:
LOL Let us know, maybe I'll throw a quick 'shopping guide' together for all the different skids and weights. I know when I latched on to the edge I was surprised at the heft. Course I'm not a ripped muscle man like N2oiroc! haha
yep, im like a 95% size yamaholic22 (i think he's like 6'4" and 190lbs). :rofl:
Did you use the same measurments from the top of the tunnel as the edge tunnel 137mm and 135mm?
let us know how the skid works out, looking forward to some feedback as to the performance, ride,weight transfer and such. Interesting thread.
jbshocks.com has measurements for the tunnel. If that helps?

The dims the measurements on the tunnel are the drive shaft is down 6 inches and the the front torque arm is back 9 inches and down 5 inches. (inside tunnel - center of d/s)

xsivhp said:
jbshocks.com has measurements for the tunnel. If that helps?


That's where I got the meausments but am wondering if they used the same measuements from the top of the tunnel as the edge tunnel because it's deeper then the proaction chasis.
I used the same meausments for the tunnel hight and the track never hit the top of the tunnel last year.
I used teh same measurements but added 1.25" to each one to get it to fit perfect on the RX, remember on that model the rear bolt mounts under the running board versus the srx I think mounts through the tunnel itself. As long as your consistant your OK, just to get to aggressive so that you throw the balance of the ski pressure off. The lower you mount the skid the less transfer you will get. Johnnysrx has is mounted up higher in the tunnel adn can pull wheelies all day, mine is lower and i get maybe 4" of ski lift at max transfer.
I Wanted to say thanks as I used this thread to install my edge suspension. Great information from all!!
It works great. The only thing that worried me is that the I had a larger discrepancy in tunnel widths. I had a half inch I had to compensate for, 1/4" on each side.
I didn't use the original brackets. I just made new ones from Stainless Steel and left the old ones in place.
Mine was an 02 SRX. The suspension I used was out of a 2002 edge xc sp.

Happy New Year to all!

:yam: :winterrul
i Did the same DEESRX, 1/16th stainless plate in the front then used stainless on stainless rivets.... did you pivot the rear mount on the cam however?.... i pivoted mine to make the mounting holes correct with JB but i am now rubbing on the top of my tunnel so i think thats the culpret... will post pics later on still in testing stage.

Oh i also had a couple 1/4" washers handy so i put them between the tunnel and the arms as mine was like you said closer to 3/8s...
I got the dim for the edge skid that was posted. Wondering if you can drop the suspension in the tunnel alittle for more clearance. Lookin to put it in a viper.
KINGER is that what you did? Whats the best way to get the dim for dropping it alittle more, just swing an radius from the flat of the drive shaft that same distance?
Thanks for this thread Johnnysrx!
I have also put in an -05 Edge skid in my -99 SRX, used the measurements from JBShocks besides the one from driveaxle to the front mount that was changed to 230mm.
I also have 9 tooth nonslip drive sprockets and a 1,5 inch Ripsaw and it seems to work fine, though I havent been able to drive it yet.

With this skid you can almost push the footrests to the ground:) I´m very excited to try it out on our crappy tracks!
Hatch i moved my rear down 1 more inch today, and now it CANNOT hit... i mean two of my 200lb uncles fully bottom out the suspension standing on the back bumper and even when it is compeletly compressed on the stops it will not hit, so now that i know it wont hit im working on fine tuning my transfer... :)
