ATF in the chaincase


New member
Dec 18, 2005
Ottawa. Ontario, Canada
Heard some guys use ATF in the chaincase and that it works just as well and reduces a bit of drag in there. Just wondering if there a specific type that can't be used, or am I ok if I go to any auto store and pick up a good quality synthetic ATF. Thanks
You know I have to jump in on this one.. SYNTHETIC oil works WONDERS compared to regular "conventional oil"... Trans fluids differ in characteristics,,, different scrubbers and different surfactants to work in an automatic transmissions enviornment, since your gearbox isn't an automatic transmission, and doesn't have friction and steel clutch discs, ANY ATF will do the job!!! There are anti foaming additives in ATF that differ between types,,but,,,your chain isn't going THAT FAST that it would make a difference.. ATF is equivalent to a 10 weight motor oil...gearlube is usually equivalent to a 90 wt motor oil... when its 10 below outside, 90 weight is equivalent to WHEEL BEARING GREASE and ATF equivalent to 30wt motor oil... so you see,, ATF is a FAR BETTER CHOICE than gear lube,,, ATF will leak out faster if you have a sled with a LOT OF MILES and your seals leak,,but,,,usually ATF has better lubrication qualities with radial lip seals than 90 weight does!!! Now if you DO NOTICE small leaks when changing from 90 weight to ATF, you can always add a SMALL AMOUNT of DOT3 or DOT4 (not silicone) brake fluid, and that will swell up the seals and stop the leaks!!!! ( a SMALL AMOUNT is about 1/2 ounce).. Do NOT ADD brake fluid if there is NO LEAKS to begin with.. while swelling up seals is a good thing (to a bad seal), swelling up a seal that doesn't need to be swelled up will prematurely wear out the seal because of the expansion of the seal due to the brake fluid!!! DON'T swell them if you don't need to (is my point)... Personally, I use synergyn on all my stuff (sleds and race car). I am not interested in making the land speed record on a sled (anymore) and the trails i ride onhave a speed limit. ( I am also getting tired of giving the government my money for snowmobile tickets).. Gary Oles nosboy
I have ran ATF in my sleds for years and years, never had any leak, but then again, I am not using bearings that have 10,000 miles on them. So if your sleds in good mechanical working shape and is routine maintained, youll have NO issues, and its cheap!!! I change it every year because I like to look inside the chaincase to make sure all my parts are in good working order, check chain tension etc.
and PLEASE don't add the 1/2 ounce when the chain case is FULL of atf!!! You DONT want to be OVERFULL Overfilling the chain case does a couple of things.. It DESTROYS the SEAL and also aerates the fluid.. fluid bubbles is a bad thing and also destroyes the seal by permaturely wearing it out.. So filling the gearbox with ATF and then adding brakefluid till overfull is WORSE than letting it just leak out!!! Your gearbox is NEVER going to get over 200 deg'. so you don't have to worry about destroying the fluid!!! There was a product called energy release that worked fantastic in gearboxes, but I haven't seen it on the sled market for a few years.. Moly disulfide is the lubricant.. 10 times better than ATF of gearlube,,, but with a pricetag around $60.00 a quart???????? You put that ince ONCE and you'd never have to change your chaincase lube,,,, but you KNOW how people are (at least sledders).. They have some HARD HABITS TO BREAK!!!! Look at the people swearing by YAMALUBE????????? i rest my case.. Gary Oles nosboy
PLEASE don't get me started on the YAMALUBE thing again!!!!! I use KLOTZ!!! gary Oles nosboy
you can use ATF in your trail sleds too!!!! It works a LOT BETTER than gear lube
SRX7 said:
ATF all the way I have never had a problem.
As far as HP gains 10 hp at least. Common guys.

10 HP, thats a pretty high HP gain from just switching to ATF. I was thinking maybe 2 or 3 at most. Has anyone dyno proven the difference? From what I've been hearing it is the way to go, and I will be switching before the snow flies, If it ever gets here. :letitsnow
jaysV-MaxSx700canada said:
I bought some aimsoil gerneral purpose syn ATF, is this good or is there better brands.

I dont think it gets too much better than amsoil synthetics, they make a lot of good $hit
justaviper said:
10 HP, thats a pretty high HP gain from just switching to ATF. I was thinking maybe 2 or 3 at most. Has anyone dyno proven the difference? From what I've been hearing it is the way to go, and I will be switching before the snow flies, If it ever gets here. :letitsnow
Your kidding right ?
You would get zippo HP gains. Common.
Energy Release

Gary, Energy Release is still available from Hi-Performance engineering at $45. a qt. I mix it with Klotz synthetic. Maybe a small amount to the chaincase is not a bad idea. Chris Vincent and team Yamaha used this stuff in all their two smoke machines.
