SRX7 said:Your kidding right ?
You would get zippo HP gains. Common.
If there is no gain, or advantages, Whats the point?
New member
nosboy said:PLEASE don't get me started on the YAMALUBE thing again!!!!! I use KLOTZ!!! gary Oles nosboy
LOL...... J/K

i use this in my case seems to work great doesn't foam and has a PP of -67
acually seems kinda thin, i like it, got it in all me sleds now..

justaviper said:If there is no gain, or advantages, Whats the point?
I think the gain would be from theoretically having LESS friction. Less friction,same HP = more power to move forward more easily. Same with all the mods geared toward reducing drag. None of them will increase HP at all, but all of them will allow the existing HP to be used more effectively.
New member
Advantage is its cheap and will give you great protection in cold temps.Hell if it protects your tranny it will protect your gears.justaviper said:If there is no gain, or advantages, Whats the point?
So it will protect better or just as good as 80-90 but free up some power to the track. I wonder why the manufacturers don't use it, Or do they?
imo it wont' protect any better,, it's thinner, therefor may offer somewhat less protection.......the idea is that because it's thinner it requires less effort (uses less horsepower) to move it around in the chaincase. There is your performance gain. No it won't give your engine more horsepower but yes, if you measured HP at the track you would probably find some gain....although 10 Hp seems very very extreme. For example in a street/drag car like I run in the summer when the sled is away, you can gain around 5 HP or so at the wheels by running the oil a litre low,, due to less drag at the crankshaft.....also switching a car to all synthetic fluids like Royal Purlple in the trans and rear differential will gain you a few HP at the wheels, due to less drag..... you won't gain any HP in the motor,, but at the wheels in a car, or at the track on a sled,, you will gain HP by shedding drag by using thinner fluids,, or fluids that are more easily spun or moved if you will.......
I can GAIN horsepower by using synthetic engine oil in my racecar.. synthetic is THINNER requiring LESS strain on the oilpump thus giving MORE HP at the rear wheels... Like I said before GO TO THE JUNKYARD and try turning a pinion flange on an old rear end when its ZERO outside.. the fluid inside is ike TAR... try turning the same pinion flange over in the summer,,,,pretty easy HUH???? SYNTHETIC trans fluid lubricates 10 times better than ANY gear lube out there (except synthetic gearlube).... There is a spec on about 99% of all oil/gearlubes on the market today.. its called API services... theres SA,SB,SC,SD,SE,SF,SG, etc.etc.etc and also CA,CB,CC,CD for diesel services.. LOOK at the api services label and you can go on their website to determine the lubricating qualities... Trans fluid is WAY BETTER that 90wt!!!! it takes LESS HORSEPOWER to overcome the drag associated with squeezing and slinging fluid around your chaincase.. (kinda like running 1 quart less motor oil in a bigblock!!!) Why don't the MFG's use trans fluid,,, well , a bunch of reasons... 1st of all, the OLD SCHOOL theory,, all the people that are STUCK on using gearlube,, because their dad used it,, 2nd,, because they don't know better, and it doesn't handle HEAT WELL!!!! compared to 90wt... Not that your chaincase will ever get that hot,,, but,,, you'd better check it MORE OFTEN for chain tension!!!! Not that i want to scare you away,,, gearlube can run in a chaincase for 40 years without being changed,, whereas, youd BETTER change the ATF every year!!!! and If you DO DEVELOP a leak (bad leak) you could get home a LOT FURTHER with gearlube than ATF!!! so it does have its disadvantages... if you are meticulous with your pre ride inspection and your take real good care of your sled every year,, ATF is for you.. If you NEVER changed the gearlube on your 1974 MASSEY FERGUSON ski whiz (and are STILL riding it) STAY WITH the GEARLUBE!!!! I hope that helps... Gary Oles nosboy
I said SYNTHETIC trans fluid lubricates 10 times better than CONVENTIONAL gearlube (for the guys who want to rip my head off)
hey daman, Yamalube is JUNK,,,but that amsiol gearlube (synthetic) looks to be some good stuff.. I'll have to read up on it... I am REALLY IMPRESSED with their pour point!!! gary Oles nosboy
New member
nosboy said:hey daman, Yamalube is JUNK,,,but that amsiol gearlube (synthetic) looks to be some good stuff.. I'll have to read up on it... I am REALLY IMPRESSED with their pour point!!! gary Oles nosboy
Just yanking your chain on the yammie lube..
just picked up my 2 cases of ams interseptor($24 Gal.) just for you Gary!!!!!
are ya proud of me???? LOL
New member
how much ATF do you use in the chain case? is it the same amount as the chain lube?
VERY PROUD OF YOU daman!!!! Althogh their product (amsoil) is GREAT STUFF, I'm not to hip with their marketing practices (which I WILL NOT get into)as far as using the same amount,, YES, the same amount!!! MAKE SURE ITS SYNTHETIC!!!! happy thanksgiving!!! gary Oles nosboy
New member
nosboy said:VERY PROUD OF YOU daman!!!! Althogh their product (amsoil) is GREAT STUFF, I'm not to hip with their marketing practices (which I WILL NOT get into)as far as using the same amount,, YES, the same amount!!! MAKE SURE ITS SYNTHETIC!!!! happy thanksgiving!!! gary Oles nosboy
I know your not hip on the marketing

to yammei lube and it's full syn. and $24 bucks a gal. i think i did good on the price.....
so keep the oil pump setting the same then Gary???
take care!!!!!!!
New member
LOL, its not thinner...... why do they then still sell it in different weights.LOL.nosboy said:.. synthetic is THINNER ..
Yes, daman, leave the oil pump setting alone... More oil makes stuff last longer... As far as the THINNER theory,,, SYNTHETIC oils have the viscosity of a 10wt... conventional oil has the viscosity of, lets say 10w40... at rest, 70 deg, your conventional oil has the lubricating quality of a 10wt motor oil,, when it heats up to, lets say 200 degrees, it has the VISCOSITY of a 0 weight BUT THE LUBRICATING QUALITIES of a 40 wt motor oil... SYNTHETIC OIL has a relatively "smaller window" of ACTUAL viscosity (around 20 to 25 throughout its life cycle) than a conventional oil.. Synthetics are THINNER to start off with than conventional oil,,,, YES, LATELY they have been adding thickeners because people see the former synthetic oils coming out of the bottle like BEER and it was scareing them!!! Synthetic oil has the "pour characteristics" of a 10wt motor oil.... it doesnt get thicker LIKE CONVENTIONAL oil does and it doesn't get thinner 9like conv oil does).... IN REALITY, if you went to get a viscosity cup from your local auto paint store, you could do tests on it and see that synthetic oils do behave differently than conventional oil does... The lubricating qualities between a 10w40 conv and a 10w40 are the SAME but the ACTUAL viscosities are different.. I dont know how to explain it to you where you would "get it" thats why I have to explain it a few different ways... ACTUAL viscosity works with conventional motor oils, but actual viscosity does NOT WORK WITH SYNTHETICS... Now as I SAID BEFORE,,, LATELY, synthetic mfgr's have been putting thickeners in their product to "fool" the people into thinking its THICKER OIL.. There was a company in the early 1980's called ESTERLUBE... there were actually 2 companies on the market,,, AMSOIL and ESTERLUBE!!!! I have PERSONALLY had to do a research paper on ESTERLUBE and a BUNCH OF LABS in SCHOOL. I forgot what class it was, BUT I REMEMBER the TEACHER was RUTHLESS!!!! Esterlube really didn't want to let go of their secrets and it took a dozen GCMS labs to figure it out (basically shoot different gasses at it and watch it for color variations) (but a LOT MORE complicated than that) That lab USED TO take about THREE HOURS EACH LAB (after school) and it was probably one of the WORST papers i have ever done!!! We also did comparisons between valvoline, quaker state and pennzoil AND AMSOIL for a GANTT comparison and the shooting R12 at the different oils and seeing which one would get ROCK HARD was pretty neat too!!!!! (one of those conventional motor oils i will NOT USE, but I WON'T TELL YOU WHICH ONE) (at least NOT IN THE WINTER!!!) BOTTOM LINE,,,, theoretically,synthetic oils USUALLY are MUCH thinner THROUGHGOUT the LIFE CYCLE than conventional motor oils... gary Oles nosboy
By the way, I got an A on that paper and lab.. It was an A- BUT,,, IT WAS STILL AN A!!!! as far as the actual viscosity of synthetic oil,, when I said 20-25 I meant with the NEW VERSION of synthetic oils NOT the ORIGINAL VERSION!!! The original version was a 10 weight and when it was 200 deg it was STILL a 10 wt and when it was zero, it was STILL a 10 weight!!!! for a LITTLE CLARITY!!!!! ( P.S> I sucked at ENGLISH CLASSES!!!) Gary oles nosboy
New member
well explained, the way you said it was well you know a little misleading.
New member
Back to the tranny fluid in the chain case. It works well use it if you want. If it can protect a modern day tranny that works a hell alot harder than our chain cases it will protect our chain cases very well.