Leds On a SLed??

I have red LED'S in the cowl vents of my 02 viper . Looks great at night when I flick the toggle switch and come up behide my buds.
I'm not sure if that's legal or not but it is cool . :bling:

streetforceleds are good, but kinda expensive I found

I did a complete LED conversion in my car (changed all 12V bulbs to LEDs) and that was a nightmare to do due to the fact the I had to add tiny resistors to the bulb housing.

That being said, if you want the LEDs to always be on when the lights are on, its a simple splice and solder modification.....the only advantage to the street force ones are that they are "weather proof".....but again, this can easily be copied with radio shack leds, and a sealed plastic tube....
