yamalube 2 and citgo sea&snow Same?


New member
Jan 7, 2006
Read on another site that these two semi-synthetics are the same oil made by Torco. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?

really ?? all yamalube ? including 4 stroke oil that i put in my yz 450
I can't believe you asked this, Wheres gary when we need him. pm nosboy, he can explain it to you. Maxdlx
The reason I asked is because 9 bucks a gallon seems alot better than 20. I'm gonna try the Sea&Snow this winter on the old 95 V-max. If anything bad happens I'll let you guys know!
I should have put LOl at the end of my post. I didn't mean any disrespect. Do a search on yamalube, Gary has done some great write ups on it. Maxdlx
citgo is a company that is owned by venesuala, venesuala is controlled by ugo chavez, he is building a large army to in his words help destroy the usa. He has also allied with iran, the other country that has said publicly that they are going to destroy the usa, isreal and britan.

buy your oil and gas from american or bitish oil companies. exxon baby, all the way.
Exxon Mobil is one of the companies that is raping us at the pump. They posted record profits from price qouging. I use synthetic oil from Amsoil and buy my gas at Marathon. They are a American company.
sandmanmike1 said:
Exxon Mobil is one of the companies that is raping us at the pump. They posted record profits from price qouging. I use synthetic oil from Amsoil and buy my gas at Marathon. They are a American company.

I agree with your assessment of Exxon. I'll walk before putting one drop of their fuel in any of my motorized vehicles.

Don't ever forget....Exxon Valdez, enough said.

sandmanmike1 said:
Exxon Mobil is one of the companies that is raping us at the pump. They posted record profits from price qouging. I use synthetic oil from Amsoil and buy my gas at Marathon. They are a American company.

record profits from an american company is a good thing. if you want to be pissed off at gas price, give opec a call they set the price of crued.
iran needs a little more money to finish the atomic bomb we seem to be letting them build so that they can destroy the zyonist, their words, not mine.
