yamalube 2 and citgo sea&snow Same?

There was a comideian on xm 150, can't remember who, but he said it correctly. the US is the largest opec oil buying country in the world. If Bush would go to them and tell them, We will pay 35 bucks for your oil or get it somewhere else, they would do it. It may take them a while, but they would come around after a week of not selling oil to the US. I don't know why there are oil field workers in Canada getting laid off because of lack of demand, when we import more oil from opec everyday. buy it from our good friends, and screw opec. I will now get off of my soap box. Maxdlx
There is some Logic to "Lets use their oil until it's gone then we'll still have ours" ?

maxdlx said:
There was a comideian on xm 150, can't remember who, but he said it correctly. the US is the largest opec oil buying country in the world. If Bush would go to them and tell them, We will pay 35 bucks for your oil or get it somewhere else, they would do it. It may take them a while, but they would come around after a week of not selling oil to the US. I don't know why there are oil field workers in Canada getting laid off because of lack of demand, when we import more oil from opec everyday. buy it from our good friends, and screw opec. I will now get off of my soap box. Maxdlx
Two stroke oil

Hey we put fuel in our cars and toys and most of it comes from the sand pounders over seas. As for two stroke oil, after reading and printing a responce from Gary I have been using Walmart two stroke oil for two years in Yamaha's. Not a problem. I use it in my chainsaw, outboard, lawn trimmer and snowmobiles with confidence. $ 6.86 a gallon all day long. I still love the quote from Gary ( Magic dust added to Citgo oil to make it Yamahlube ) you bet !! LOL
Blue missle---- That is the Alberta Tar sands project. It has been ongoing for years and is going fine. It is primarily based in Fort McMurray Alberta.
We are paying about 4.50/gallon = 1.20/ltr for premium fuel
It leaves me wondering why Canadians don't buy their own stuff.
We won't even start on the soft wood lumber thing.
Gas/ oil

Daman, 2.39 would be great here in Maine gas went from 2.79 to 2.93 last friday. I can't believe yamaha lube is made by citgo! I tried a search on yamaha lube, no luck. I buy most of my gas at Irving? Mobile?
Interesting! Thanks,Blue
I was at the SNOWSHOW in MILWAUKEE on Saturday and I had to work SUNDAY,,,,,but,,,, HERE GOES!!!!!!! CITGO MAKES YAMALUBE along with about 23 or 24 DIFFERENT brands (including TEXACO products) of 2 stroke oil.... IT COMES from the SAME MILLION GALLON tank (all 23 or 24 brands!!!)..... YAMAHA motor company pays some little japanese dude to throw a little pill in the yamaha jugs to call it YAMALUBE (please don't believe that)!!! Thats how YAMAHA can charge DOUBLE for a gallon than you can pay at WALMART!!!!! VENEZUELA owns CITGO (hugo CHAVEZ)!!!! Venezuela wouyld like to BLOW AMERICA to smithereens!!!! KEEP SUPPORTING TERRORISM all you guys who support yamalube..... ANOTHER THING........ CHIQUITA BANANNA company BRAGS on CNN that they support (give money) to TERRORIST GROUPS that TERRORIZE AMERICA!!!!! You people better get your heads out of the SAND and read whats going on in the world!!!!!! Opec (foreign oil) is about 10% of our AMERICAN oil needs... EVERYBODY seems to think that without SAUDI ARABIA we would be MINCEMEAT!!!!!! NEEDLESS TO SAY,,, we GET ABOUT TEN PERCENT (10%) from overseas..... VENEZUELA is also considered overseas oil...... I dont buy CHIQUITA banannas OR use YAMALUBE!!!!!! I even have a HARD TIME BUYING JAPANESE snowmobiles,,, but,,, until the americans make something WORTH BUYING,,, I'll keep supporting YAMAHA!!! Gary Oles nosboy
look and see on a globe where SAUDI ARABIA and KUWAIT are...... Think about HOW MUCH MONEY it would cost to SHIP barges and tankers from THERE TO AMERICA!!!! 90% of our oil is found RIGHT HERE in AMERICA!!!!! The NEWS MEDIA would like you to believe that OPEC controls the prices on barrels of oil,, but,,, do you REALLY KNOW how many types of CRUDE OIL there is and WHICH CRUDE is used for WHAT????? Next time you drive around, look and see how many wells that are out there!!! You'd be surprized!!!
I'd like you to do a search, "boycott chiquita bananas" and look for a website called tenpercent.... I don't know how to pull up the webpage and highlight it on here,,, so maybe one of you guys could help.....
bluebullet said:
Daman, 2.39 would be great here in Maine gas went from 2.79 to 2.93 last friday. I can't believe yamaha lube is made by citgo! I tried a search on yamaha lube, no luck. I buy most of my gas at Irving? Mobile?
Interesting! Thanks,Blue
Ya that was last year, it's $2.80-85 here right now..
uhhh sorry to burst your bubble but 70% of the oil that is consumed in the States comes from a foreign source. It was at 50% in the year 2000. There is no way we can function without the Saudi's at this point. Maybe you should do a little more research...I just got done with a research project on OPEC and it is pretty discouraging to say the least. They have us by the ballz
They have U.S. by the balls because we let them! We are saving our oil for the future. Probally not a bad deal looking at the future with all those nasty, hot sandy, smelly places. Thats the only thing they have if it wasn't for thier oil were would they be! I don't miss being over there!!!!!!
THEY GOT to be telling you a story.... I CANNOT believe even 50%... GAS WOULD BE $6.00 a gallon if that was the case!!!!
