Well it's 4x2 but...

Yea daman you arent kiddin. I bought the snow tires and it cost me like 866.00. Since then it has been hitting record highs.. and nothing but rain. wtf is with my luck, lol. But at least now I am not sweating the 4x2 decision.

Viperscott nice truck.. I'll trade ya!

maxout01 said:
Viperscott nice truck.. I'll trade ya!

Nah thats alright, I think I will keep it for a while. But now I have to go get the snows, we got about 9" overnight and they are calling for atleast 5 more tonight. Best part is I got in about 4 hours on the Viper :letitsnow ;)!
9" it's still nothing but rain in this part of ny. I never had any snow on the ground or really the air for that matter at all this winter..
yeah, i live in syracuse, ny, and we just got like 8 inches yesterday on top of the 5 inches we already had. went out riding for a little bit, but itsucked because it was pretty much an enclose area, but still got it ont he road and went road riding. last season sucked. i just hope that this year is a lot better.
