DCS Troubles, please help

Dec 17, 2006
Almonte Ontario Canada
Hey guys, i have a 2002 SRX and its been giving me some problems with the DCS system. I have v force 3 reeds, transfer rods and a heelclicker clutch setup on it. Usually around 130+ km/h the dcs will flash its first warning, it doesnt always do this though and i'm completely stumped. The carbs are all synched properly and cleaned. Powervalves are clean, so i'm lost as to what can cause this. Or is this normal??? Any help on this guys would be very much appreciated
run better gas(94 octane) and 2001 jetting specs and youll have no problems.
I am running super in it as is, im going to try octane boost in the fuel as well to see if it makes a difference. I went to the next jet size up but it didnt make a difference in the light at all, just affected performance of the machine
Do you have some old gas in your tank? My 02 ran fine with stock jets. Are the heads modified at all? Possibly a bad sensor???
Hey again, yes there was some older gas in the tank at the start of the year. That is what i expected as well just thought id burn it out and the problem would go away. It didnt, i've always ran super but never tried octane boost, i guess i'll try that and see if it makes any difference at all. And to answer your question no there is no head mods done to it at all, no internal engine work only the reeds added. Thanks for the help though
The thing with race fuel is where am i going to get it out on the trails, im trying to keep it as reliable as possible and still be able to use pump gas, octane boost ya can buy but race fuel would be kinda hard to carry with ya unless it was in small quantities. Also the machine didnt do this before which is why im wondering howcome its doing it now. When i first got the machine the DCS light never came on while driving and i did quite a few passes on radar, then all of a sudden one day it started, and only sometimes it will do it
When you added the reeds, did you put everything together properly, carbs, carb boots, air box? If your getting any extra air anywhere it can cause detonation. Check for crank seal leaks.

ALSO, By the sounds of it, when you are riding when it detonates, sounds like you are riding on the needle circuit in the carbs. Check your needle clips and see what setting they are at. I have a feeling if you may have to move the clip down 1 or 2 positions to give it some more fuel for the mid-range.. Most of the burn downs and detonation are caused from the needle circuit.
I didnt put the reeds on myself, the dealer did it for me so i assume they did it right. The boots look in good shape with no cracks, carbs seem to seat properly and the airbox fits nice and snug with them so i dont see a problem there although i will go over it again and double check.

How would i go about checking for a crank seal leak?? what would i look for??

I will check my needle clips and then get back to you on it, that does make sense though it always seems to do this at say 120+ km/h but only sometimes thats what i find wierd
Last SRX i had it would only detonate sometimes as well only difference was my main jets were too lean. was running 145 all the way across so sometimes the DCS would kick in on a cold morning or evening.

You can easily check the pto seal by spraying WD-40 on it at idle. If your idle changes, Than you know you have a problem. Not sure how to do it for the mag side. But I am going to put my money on your needles being set to lean. BTW? what are the temperatures when your sled does this?
The light will come on at any temperature, i figured that it must be because it was too cold out and it was running to lean or something along those lines at first. Then it kept doing this randomly at high rpm's. So i went and got the next jet size up from stock, put them in and tried it. I got the light coming on again even when it was warm out, like -5 or so. I still havnt got around to checking the needle setting on the carbs but i will do that as soon as i have the time to. I think i might give them another cleaning as well but i cleaned them last year before the season and i got the same thing even after they were cleaned. Havnt had the chance to do anything really this year to it due to the fact of the dam weather, this no snow has gotta end soon!!!
Also another question, not really related to the DCS light that i know of anyways. When i start the sled up and its a really cold day out, it will start normally and sit there and idle but the headlight, taillight and all the guages do not work, then all of a sudden they will come on. It usually takes 2 minutes or so for them to come on. I then went to the yammy dealer in my area and asked them if this was normal and he told me it was, due to the fact of a new stator design or something. Im not sure of this and im not sure if its making problems elsewhere in the sled
Skidooslayer687 said:
Also another question, not really related to the DCS light that i know of anyways. When i start the sled up and its a really cold day out, it will start normally and sit there and idle but the headlight, taillight and all the guages do not work, then all of a sudden they will come on. It usually takes 2 minutes or so for them to come on. I then went to the yammy dealer in my area and asked them if this was normal and he told me it was, due to the fact of a new stator design or something. Im not sure of this and im not sure if its making problems elsewhere in the sled

There was an update on this. I forgot what parts are all included or if Yamaha covered it by recall or warranty. Please make a post on it using exactly what you just said above. I would like to know too since we have the same sleds and it has happened to me a few times; not on this one but my last 02 SRX
Skidooslayer687. I'm glad you asked about the dcs, I've had some problems with it too, but sometimes it would go away. This might be veery far out, but you should look at the PV assembly, take it apart and see if something is wrong there. I had my pv's cleaned over and over this winter, still the sled wouldn't run properly and the dcs would come on often. A few days ago I took it to the dealer and told them to replace the pv wires. Guess what they discovered? 2 of the valves weren't even opening due to some circrip or something like that (small part). I'm not saying this is your cause but it could be, because the pvs don't open when they are supposed to, and the motor doesn't like it.. and lights the dcs light

Also verify jetting once more since you got vf3's. That may be the cause you are experiencing detonation, like said above, the midrange is lean. Well it IS leaner, due to the vf3's, because of more airflow. I suggest you move the needles up half a setting. Say from 3 to 3,5
Sounds crazy?
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Its funny you mention that, lol today i just pulled all my powervalves out, cleaned them and adjusted them using the 900 rpm method. When i pulled them out all of them were connected to the cables and i watched the servo motor actuate them all so im guessing that there all opening. I've had a powervalve failure before, center cylinder the cable pulled threw the valve and the other 2 valves were so plugged up they could barely move. This did not light the dcs at all, i was racing a buddy's 600 and couldnt figure out why i was losing so bad, but no lights were illuminated during the race. Only when i took them apart did i find out what the cause was. But you are right, the motor does not like it at all when they dont function, thanks for the input
OO btw, forgot to mention it above, when i did pull the powervalves out, i adjusted them after, they were out of adjustment, the center one being the most out. If they are out of adjustment could that be the possible cause for the dcs?? im not sure if it would create enough vibration to set the knock sensor off. Just a theory not sure at all, im gonna keep looking and check over every possible thing. I did have the sled jetted up one more size from stock, im not sure of the exact number but i went a size up and this did nothing, still the light came on, even when it was really warm out. Im going to look at the needle position as soon as i can find some time to do it. I'll put a post up when i do and let you know what position the needles are in. Seems like i have tonnes of time anyways to get it ready the way the dam weather has been round here
